Najvišje uvrščene publikacije
Indeks h5 je h-indeks za članke, objavljene v zadnjih (celotnih) petih letih. h je zgornja meja, torej bo poiskanih h člankov, objavljenih v obdobju 2018–2022, ki vsebujejo najmanj h navedb.skrij
Mediana h5 publikacije je središčna vrednost navedb v člankih, ki so vključeni v indeks h5.skrij
PublikacijaIndeks h5Mediana h5
1.Computers & Education147223
2.Education and Information Technologies91125
3.British Journal of Educational Technology86110
4.International Journal of Instruction73103
5.International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education68118
6.Educational Technology Research and Development66103
7.Interactive Learning Environments6699
8.Computer Assisted Language Learning6497
9.International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)6496
10.Journal of Computer Assisted Learning6192
11.Journal of Educational Computing Research5288
12.The Internet and Higher Education5194
13.Australasian Journal of Educational Technology5180
14.International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning4986
15.Educational Technology & Society4983
16.Learning, Media and Technology4981
18.Distance Education4374
19.International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge4272
20.Language Learning & Technology4168
Datumi in število navedb so približne ocene in jih samodejno izračuna računalniški program.