Yizhong Zhang
Yizhong Zhang
Ph.D Student of Computer Science, Zhejiang University
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Heat stress induction of miR398 triggers a regulatory loop that is critical for thermotolerance in Arabidopsis
Q Guan, X Lu, H Zeng, Y Zhang, J Zhu
The Plant Journal 74 (5), 840-851, 2013
Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide is a sensory neuropeptide: immunocytochemical and immunochemical evidence
K Moller, YZ Zhang, R Håkanson, A Luts, B Sjölund, R Uddman, ...
Neuroscience 57 (3), 725-732, 1993
Effect of dietary protein content on ileal amino acid digestibility, growth performance, and formation of microbial metabolites in ileal and cecal digesta of early-weaned pigs
JK Htoo, BA Araiza, WC Sauer, M Rademacher, Y Zhang, M Cervantes, ...
Journal of animal science 85 (12), 3303-3312, 2007
Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide expression in sensory neurons
H Mulder, R Uddman, K Moller, YZ Zhang, E Ekblad, J Alumets, F Sundler
Neuroscience 63 (1), 307-312, 1994
Epidemiologic study on Kawasaki disease in Beijing from 2000 through 2004
ZD Du, D Zhao, J Du, YL Zhang, Y Lin, C Liu, T Zhang, ...
The Pediatric infectious disease journal 26 (5), 449-451, 2007
Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide expression in the rat dorsal root ganglia: up-regulation after peripheral nerve injury
YZ Zhang, J Hannibal, Q Zhao, K Moller, N Danielsen, J Fahrenkrug, ...
Neuroscience 74 (4), 1099-1110, 1996
Solvent effects in chloroform solution: Parametrization of the MST/SCRF continuum model
FJ Luque, Y Zhang, C Aleman, M Bachs, J Gao, M Orozco
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (10), 4269-4276, 1996
Particle deposition measurements and numerical simulation in a highly idealized mouth–throat
Y Zhang, WH Finlay, EA Matida
Journal of Aerosol Science 35 (7), 789-803, 2004
A gold nanorods-based fluorescent biosensor for the detection of hepatitis B virus DNA based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer
X Lu, X Dong, K Zhang, X Han, X Fang, Y Zhang
Analyst 138 (2), 642-650, 2013
Design and experimental investigation of a 190ákWe biomass fixed bed gasification and polygeneration pilot plant using a double air stage downdraftáapproach
Z Ma, Y Zhang, Q Zhang, Y Qu, J Zhou, H Qin
Energy 46 (1), 140-147, 2012
Percutaneous microwave ablation of larger hepatocellular carcinoma
Y Liu, Y Zheng, S Li, B Li, Y Zhang, Y Yuan
Clinical radiology 68 (1), 21-26, 2013
Significant tensile ductility induced by cold rolling in Cu47. 5Zr47. 5Al5 bulk metallic glass
KK Song, S Pauly, Y Zhang, S Scudino, P Gargarella, KB Surreddi, ...
Intermetallics 19 (10), 1394-1398, 2011
Pseudogap and Mott transition studied by cellular dynamical mean-field theory
YZ Zhang, M Imada
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (4), 045108, 2007
Transcriptome profiling of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci reveals stage‐specific gene expression signatures for thiamethoxam resistance
N Yang, W Xie, CM Jones, C Bass, X Jiao, X Yang, B Liu, R Li, Y Zhang
Insect Molecular Biology 22 (5), 485-496, 2013
Improvement in genetic evaluation of female fertility in dairy cattle using multiple-trait models including milk production traits
C Sun, P Madsen, MS Lund, Y Zhang, US Nielsen, G Su
Journal of animal science 88 (3), 871-878, 2010
Characterizing interactions between surface water and groundwater in the Jialu River basin using major ion chemistry and stable isotopes
L Yang, X Song, Y Zhang, D Han, B Zhang, D Long
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (11), 4265-4277, 2012
Critical role of arachidonic acid-activated mTOR signaling in breast carcinogenesis and angiogenesis
ZH Wen, YC Su, PL Lai, Y Zhang, YF Xu, A Zhao, GY Yao, CH Jia, J Lin, ...
Oncogene 32 (2), 160-170, 2013
Inhibitory activities of baicalin against renin and angiotensin-converting enzyme
YF Deng, RE Aluko, Q Jin, Y Zhang, LJ Yuan
Pharmaceutical Biology 50 (4), 401-406, 2012
Effects of natriuretic peptides and nitroprusside on venous function in trout
KR Olson, DJ Conklin, AP Farrell, JE Keen, Y Takei, L Weaver Jr, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 1997
Thermodynamic analyses of tri-reforming reactions to produce syngas
Y Zhang, S Zhang, JL Gossage, HH Lou, TJ Benson
Energy & fuels 28 (4), 2717-2726, 2014
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