Konrad Basler
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Cited by
An optimized transgenesis system for Drosophila using germ-line-specific φC31 integrases
J Bischof, RK Maeda, M Hediger, F Karch, K Basler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (9), 3312-3317, 2007
The many faces and functions of β‐catenin
T Valenta, G Hausmann, K Basler
The EMBO journal 31 (12), 2714-2736, 2012
Scrapie and cellular PrP isoforms are encoded by the same chromosomal gene
K Basler, B Oesch, M Scott, D Westaway, M Wälchli, DF Groth, ...
Cell 46 (3), 417-428, 1986
Compartment boundaries and the control of Drosopfiffa limb pattern by hedgehog protein
K Basler, G Struhl
Nature 368 (6468), 208-214, 1994
Direct and long-range action of a DPP morphogen gradient
D Nellen, R Burke, G Struhl, K Basler
Cell 85 (3), 357-368, 1996
Organizing activity of wingless protein in Drosophila
G Struhl, K Basler
Cell 72 (4), 527-540, 1993
Direct and long-range action of a wingless morphogen gradient
M Zecca, K Basler, G Struhl
Cell 87 (5), 833-844, 1996
Wntless, a conserved membrane protein dedicated to the secretion of Wnt proteins from signaling cells
C Bänziger, D Soldini, C Schütt, P Zipperlen, G Hausmann, K Basler
Cell 125 (3), 509-522, 2006
Wnt/wingless signaling requires BCL9/legless-mediated recruitment of pygopus to the nuclear β-catenin-TCF complex
T Kramps, O Peter, E Brunner, D Nellen, B Froesch, S Chatterjee, ...
Cell 109 (1), 47-60, 2002
β-Catenin hits chromatin: regulation of Wnt target gene activation
C Mosimann, G Hausmann, K Basler
Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 10 (4), 276-286, 2009
Dispatched, a novel sterol-sensing domain protein dedicated to the release of cholesterol-modified hedgehog from signaling cells
R Burke, D Nellen, M Bellotto, E Hafen, KA Senti, BJ Dickson, K Basler
Cell 99 (7), 803-815, 1999
dMyc transforms cells into super-competitors
E Moreno, K Basler
Cell 117 (1), 117-129, 2004
Sequential organizing activities of engrailed, hedgehog and decapentaplegic in the Drosophila wing
M Zecca, K Basler, G Struhl
Development 121 (8), 2265-2278, 1995
pangolinencodes a Lef-1 homologue that acts downstream of Armadillo to transduce the Wingless signal in Drosophila
E Brunner, O Peter, L Schweizer, K Basler
Nature 385 (6619), 829-833, 1997
Skinny hedgehog, an acyltransferase required for palmitoylation and activity of the hedgehog signal
Z Chamoun, RK Mann, D Nellen, DP von Kessler, M Bellotto, PA Beachy, ...
Science 293 (5537), 2080-2084, 2001
Cells compete for Decapentaplegic survival factor to prevent apoptosis in Drosophila wing development
E Moreno, K Basler, G Morata
Nature 416 (6882), 755-759, 2002
Sevenless, a Cell-Specific Homeotic Gene of Drosophila, Encodes a Putative Transmembrane Receptor with a Tyrosine Kinase Domain
E Hafen, K Basler, JE Edstroem, GM Rubin
Science 236 (4797), 55-63, 1987
Control of cell pattern in the neural tube: regulation of cell differentiation by dorsalin-1, a novel TGFβ family member
K Basler, T Edlund, TM Jessell, T Yamada
Cell 73 (4), 687-702, 1993
The Decapentaplegic morphogen gradient: from pattern formation to growth regulation
M Affolter, K Basler
Nature Reviews Genetics 8 (9), 663-674, 2007
Hedgehog controls limb development by regulating the activities of distinct transcriptional activator and repressor forms of Cubitus interruptus
N Méthot, K Basler
Cell 96 (6), 819-831, 1999
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Articles 1–20