William K. Darley
William K. Darley
Professor Emeritus, University of Toledo and Professor of Marketing, King Abdulaziz University
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Gender differences in information processing strategies: An empirical test of the selectivity model in advertising response
WK Darley, RE Smith
Journal of advertising 24 (1), 41-56, 1995
Toward an integrated framework for online consumer behavior and decision making process: A review
WK Darley, C Blankson, DJ Luethge
Psychology & marketing 27 (2), 94-116, 2010
Modeling the determinants and effects of creativity in advertising
RE Smith, SB MacKenzie, X Yang, LM Buchholz, WK Darley
Marketing science 26 (6), 819-833, 2007
Advertising claim objectivity: Antecedents and effects
WK Darley, RE Smith
Journal of Marketing 57 (4), 100-113, 1993
Family Decision Making in Leisure-Time Activities: An Exploratory Investigation of the Impact of Locus Control and Parental Type on Perceived Child Influence
WK Darley, JS Lim
Advances in Consumer Research, volume 13, 370-374, 1986
An assessment of country of origin effects under alternative presentation formats
JS Lim, WK Darley, JO Summers
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 22, 274-282, 1994
Increasing Sub-Saharan Africa's share of foreign direct investment: Public policy challenges, strategies, and implications
WK Darley
Journal of African Business 13 (1), 62-69, 2012
African culture and business markets: implications for marketing practices
WK Darley, C Blankson
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 23 (6), 374-383, 2008
Effects of store image and attitude toward secondhand stores on shopping frequency and distance traveled
WK Darley, JS Lim
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 27 (8), 311-318, 1999
Cross‐national comparison of consumer attitudes toward consumerism in four developing countries
WK Darley, DM Johnson
Journal of Consumer Affairs 27 (1), 37-54, 1993
Store-choice behavior for pre-owned merchandise
WK Darley, JS Lim
Journal of Business Research 27 (1), 17-31, 1993
Exploring the relationship of perceived automotive salesperson attributes, customer satisfaction and intentions to automotive service department patronage: The moderating role …
WK Darley, DJ Luethge, A Thatte
Journal of Retailing and Consumer services 15 (6), 469-479, 2008
Marketing practices of rural micro and small businesses in Ghana: The role of public policy
C Blankson, K Cowan, WK Darley
Journal of Macromarketing 38 (1), 29-56, 2018
An assessment of demand artefacts in country‐of‐origin studies using three alternative approaches
JS Lim, WK Darley
International Marketing Review 14 (4), 201-217, 1997
Assessing demand artifacts in consumer research: an alternative perspective
WK Darley, JS Lim
Journal of Consumer Research 20 (3), 489-495, 1993
Market orientation, innovation commercialization capability and firm performance relationships: the moderating role of supply chain influence
JS Lim, WK Darley, D Marion
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 32 (7), 913-924, 2017
The effect of consumers' emotional reactions on behavioral intention: The moderating role of personal relevance and self‐monitoring
WK Darley, JS Lim
Psychology & Marketing 9 (4), 329-346, 1992
The relationship of antecedents of search and self‐esteem to adolescent search effort and perceived product knowledge
WK Darley
Psychology & Marketing 16 (5), 409-427, 1999
Management and business education in Africa: A post-colonial perspective of international accreditation
WK Darley, DJ Luethge
Academy of Management Learning & Education 18 (1), 99-111, 2019
Culture and International Marketing: A Sub-Saharan African Context
WK Darley, DJ Luethge, C Blankson
Journal Global Marketing 30 (1), 188-202, 2013
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