Sandi Copeland
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Cited by
Strontium isotope evidence for landscape use by early hominins
SR Copeland, M Sponheimer, DJ de Ruiter, JA Lee-Thorp, D Codron, ...
Nature 474 (7349), 76-78, 2011
Strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of tooth enamel: a comparison of solution and laser ablation multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry …
SR Copeland, M Sponheimer, PJ le Roux, V Grimes, JA Lee‐Thorp, ...
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2008
Strontium isotope investigation of ungulate movement patterns on the Pleistocene Paleo-Agulhas plain of the Greater Cape floristic region, South Africa
SR Copeland, HC Cawthra, EC Fisher, JA Lee-Thorp, RM Cowling, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 141, 65-84, 2016
Strontium isotope ratios in fossil teeth from South Africa: assessing laser ablation MC-ICP-MS analysis and the extent of diagenesis
SR Copeland, M Sponheimer, JA Lee-Thorp, PJ le Roux, DJ de Ruiter, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 37 (7), 1437-1446, 2010
Vegetation and plant food reconstruction of lowermost Bed II, Olduvai Gorge, using modern analogs
SR Copeland
Journal of Human Evolution 53 (2), 146-175, 2007
Potential hominin plant foods in northern Tanzania: semi-arid savannas versus savanna chimpanzee sites
SR Copeland
Journal of Human Evolution 57 (4), 365-378, 2009
Strontium isotope analysis of curved tooth enamel surfaces by laser-ablation multi-collector ICP-MS
PJ Le Roux, JA Lee-Thorp, SR Copeland, M Sponheimer, DJ De Ruiter
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 416, 142-149, 2014
Spatial variation in bioavailable strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) in Kenya and northern Tanzania: Implications for ecology, paleoanthropology, and archaeology
A Janzen, C Bataille, SR Copeland, RL Quinn, SH Ambrose, D Reed, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 560, 109957, 2020
Stable isotope evidence for impala Aepyceros melampus diets at Akagera National Park, Rwanda
SR Copeland, M Sponheimer, CA Spinage, JA Lee‐Thorp, D Codron, ...
African journal of ecology 47 (4), 490-501, 2009
An isotopic test of the seasonal migration hypothesis for large grazing ungulates inhabiting the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain
J Hodgkins, CW Marean, JA Venter, L Richardson, P Roberts, J Zech, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 235, 106221, 2020
Using strontium isotopes to study site accumulation processes
SR Copeland, M Sponheimer, JA Lee-Thorp, DJ de Ruiter, PJ le Roux, ...
Journal of taphonomy 8 (2-3), 115-127, 2010
Paleoanthropological implications of vegetation and wild plant resources in modern savanna landscapes, with applications to Plio-Pleistocene Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
SR Copeland
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies, 2004
Investigating the role of eagles as accumulating agents in the dolomitic cave infills of South Africa
J Lee-Thorp, M Sponheimer
Journal of Taphonomy 8 (1-2), 129-154, 2010
Bulk and intra-tooth enamel stable isotopes of waterbuck Kobus ellipsiprymnus from Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda.
SR Copeland, M Sponheimer, CA Spinage, JA Lee-Thorp
African Journal of Ecology 46 (4), 2008
Isotopic evidence for the geographic origin, movement and diet of the Hofmeyr individual
SR Copeland, V Grimes, J Neveling, JA Lee-Thorp, FE Grine, Z Yang, ...
Hofmeyr: a Late Pleistocene human skull from South Africa, 47-68, 2023
Springs and streams in an East African closed basin: Controls on biological communities in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
DM Deocampo, GM Ashley, SR Copeland
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 30 (7), 120, 1998
Tracking ancient animal movements in northern Tanzania using strontium isotopes
SR Copeland, D Reed, RJ Blumenschine, J Njau, M Sponheimer, ...
Am. J. Phys. Anthropol 147, 120, 2012
Strontium isotope evidence for early hominin landscape use
SR Copeland, M Sponheimer, JDJ de Ruiter, JA Lee-Thorp, D Codron, ...
Nature 474, 76-79, 2011
Strontium isotope ratios of mammalian fossils from Malapa, South Africa.
DJ De Ruiter, M Sponheimer, S Copeland, JA Lee-Thorp, LR Berger, ...
Strontium isoscape of sub-Saharan Africa allows tracing origins of victims of the transatlantic slave trade
X Wang, G Bocksberger, M Arandjelovic, A Agbor, S Angedakin, F Aubert, ...
Nature communications 15 (1), 10891, 2024
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Articles 1–20