Mohammed Al-khafajiy
Remote health monitoring of elderly through wearable sensors
M Al-Khafajiy, T Baker, C Chalmers, M Asim, H Kolivand, M Fahim, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78 (17), 24681-24706, 2019
Improving fog computing performance via fog-2-fog collaboration
M Al-Khafajiy, T Baker, H Al-Libawy, Z Maamar, M Aloqaily, Y Jararweh
Future Generation Computer Systems 100, 266-280, 2019
COMITMENT: A fog computing trust management approach
M Al-Khafajiy, T Baker, M Asim, Z Guo, R Ranjan, A Longo, D Puthal, ...
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 137, 1-16, 2020
Towards fog driven IoT healthcare: challenges and framework of fog computing in healthcare
M Al-Khafajiy, L Webster, T Baker, A Waraich
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on future networks and …, 2018
IoT-fog optimal workload via fog offloading
M Al-Khafajiy, T Baker, A Waraich, D Al-Jumeily, A Hussain
2018 IEEE/ACM international conference on utility and cloud computing …, 2018
Smart hospital emergency system
M Al-khafajiy, H Kolivand, T Baker, D Tully, A Waraich
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-25, 2019
Fog computing framework for internet of things applications
M Al-Khafajiy, T Baker, H Al-Libawy, A Waraich, C Chalmers, O Alfandi
2018 11th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering …, 2018
Intelligent control and security of fog resources in healthcare systems via a cognitive fog model
M Al-Khafajiy, S Otoum, T Baker, M Asim, Z Maamar, M Aloqaily, M Taylor, ...
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 21 (3), 1-23, 2021
Towards a seamless coordination of cloud and fog: illustration through the internet-of-things
Z Maamar, T Baker, N Faci, E Ugljanin, MA Khafajiy, V Burégio
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP symposium on applied computing, 2008-2015, 2019
UAV and fog computing for IoE-based systems: A case study on environment disasters prediction and recovery plans
M Al-Khafajiy, T Baker, A Hussien, A Cotgrave
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Smart Cities, 133-152, 2020
Weaving cognition into the internet-of-things: Application to water leaks
Z Maamar, T Baker, N Faci, M Al-Khafajiy, E Ugljanin, Y Atif, M Sellami
Cognitive Systems Research 56, 233-245, 2019
Cognitive computing meets the internet of things
Z Maamar, T Baker, N Faci, E Ugljanin, Y Atif, M Al-Khafajiy, M Sellami
13th International Conference on Software Technologies, ICSOFT, Porto …, 2018
Enabling high performance fog computing through fog-2-fog coordination model
M Al-Khafajiy, T Baker, A Waraich, O Alfandi, A Hussien
2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2019
Trust-based management in IoT federations
H Yahyaoui, Z Maamar, M Al-Khafajiy, H Al-Hamadi
Future Generation Computer Systems 136, 182-192, 2022
Optimizing Project Delivery through Augmented Reality and Agile Methodologies
A Hussien, M Tucker, A Cotgrave, M Al-Khafajiy, TB Shamsa
2019 12th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering …, 2019
Thing federation as a service: foundations and demonstration
Z Maamar, K Boukadi, E Ugljanin, T Baker, M Asim, M Al-Khafajiy, ...
Model and Data Engineering: 8th International Conference, MEDI 2018 …, 2018
Norm-based and Commitment-driven Agentification of the Internet of Things
K Boukadi, N Faci, Z Maamar, E Ugljanin, M Sellami, T Baker, ...
Internet of Things 6, 100042, 2019
A multi-type artifact framework for cyber–physical, social systems design and development
Z Maamar, E Kajan, M Al-Khafajiy, M Dohan, A Fayoumi, F Yahya
Internet of Things 22, 100820, 2023
A deep neural network-based prediction model for students’ academic performance
G Al-Tameemi, J Xue, S Ajit, T Kanakis, I Hadi, T Baker, M Al-Khafajiy, ...
2021 14th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering …, 2021
A survey of resource management challenges in multi-cloud environment: Taxonomy and empirical analysis
B Aldawsari, T Baker, M Asim, Z Maamar, D Al-Jumeily, M Alkhafajiy
Azerbaijan Journal of High Performance Computing 1 (1), 51-65, 2018
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