Yuxiang Ni
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Cited by
Graphene related materials for thermal management
Y Fu, J Hansson, Y Liu, S Chen, A Zehri, MK Samani, N Wang, Y Ni, ...
2D Materials 7 (1), 012001, 2020
Novel two-dimensional semiconductor SnP 3: high stability, tunable bandgaps and high carrier mobility explored using first-principles calculations
S Sun, F Meng, H Wang, H Wang, Y Ni
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (25), 11890-11897, 2018
Functionalization mediates heat transport in graphene nanoflakes
H Han, Y Zhang, N Wang, MK Samani, Y Ni, ZY Mijbil, M Edwards, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 11281, 2016
Flexible, auxetic and strain-tunable two dimensional penta-X 2 C family as water splitting photocatalysts with high carrier mobility
S Sun, F Meng, Y Xu, J He, Y Ni, H Wang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (13), 7791-7799, 2019
Two-dimensional Blue-AsP monolayers with tunable direct band gap and ultrahigh carrier mobility show promising high-performance photovoltaic properties
X Cai, Y Chen, B Sun, J Chen, H Wang, Y Ni, L Tao, H Wang, S Zhu, X Li, ...
Nanoscale 11 (17), 8260-8269, 2019
Modulated SiC nanowires: Molecular dynamics study of their thermal properties
K Termentzidis, T Barreteau, Y Ni, S Merabia, X Zianni, Y Chalopin, ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87 (125410), 2013
XTe (X= Ge, Sn, Pb) monolayers: promising thermoelectric materials with ultralow lattice thermal conductivity and high-power factor
D Zhang, S Hu, Y Sun, X Liu, H Wang, H Wang, Y Chen, Y Ni
ES Energy & Environment 10 (26), 59-65, 2020
Thermal transport across surfactant layers on gold nanorods in aqueous solution
X Wu, Y Ni, J Zhu, ND Burrows, CJ Murphy, T Dumitrica, X Wang
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (16), 10581-10589, 2016
Highly efficient thermal glue for carbon nanotubes based on azide polymers
Y Ni, H Le Khanh, Y Chalopin, J Bai, P Lebarny, L Divay, S Volz
Applied Physics Letters 100 (19), 2012
Tunable thermal conductivity in silicon twinning superlattice nanowires
S Xiong, YA Kosevich, K Sääskilahti, Y Ni, S Volz
Physical Review B 90 (19), 195439, 2014
Significant thickness dependence of the thermal resistance between few-layer graphenes
Y Ni, Y Chalopin, S Volz
Applied Physics Letters 103 (6), 2013
Thermal transport along the dislocation line in silicon carbide
Y Ni, S Xiong, S Volz, T Dumitricǎ
Physical review letters 113 (12), 124301, 2014
Protein adsorption and biomimetic mineralization behaviors of PLL–DNA multilayered films assembled onto titanium
W Gao, B Feng, Y Ni, Y Yang, X Lu, J Weng
Applied Surface Science 257 (2), 538-546, 2010
Nanoscale azide polymer functionalization: a robust solution for suppressing the carbon nanotube–polymer matrix thermal interface resistance
Y Ni, H Han, S Volz, T Dumitrica
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (22), 12193-12198, 2015
Efficient phonon blocking in SiC antiphase superlattice nanowires
S Xiong, B Latour, Y Ni, S Volz, Y Chalopin
Physical Review B 91 (22), 224307, 2015
Thermally‐Active Screw Dislocations in Si Nanowires and Nanotubes
S Xiong, J Ma, S Volz, T Dumitricǎ
Small 10 (9), 1756-1760, 2014
pH-Modulated memristive behavior based on an edible garlic-constructed bio-electronic device
S Mao, B Sun, T Yu, W Mao, S Zhu, Y Ni, H Wang, Y Zhao, Y Chen
New Journal of Chemistry 43 (24), 9634-9640, 2019
Solar Cells Based on Two-Dimensional WTe2/PtXY (X, Y = S, Se) Heterostructures with High Photoelectric Conversion Efficiency and Low Power Consumption
D Zhang, S Hu, X Liu, Y Chen, Y Xia, H Wang, H Wang, Y Ni
ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (1), 357-364, 2020
Strain engineering of selective chemical adsorption on monolayer black phosphorous
H Zhang, L Kou, Y Jiao, A Du, Y Tang, Y Ni
Applied Surface Science 503, 144033, 2020
Preparation of Tough, Binder‐Free, and Self‐Supporting LiFePO4 Cathode by Using Mono‐Dispersed Ultra‐Long Single‐Walled Carbon Nanotubes for High‐Rate …
M Guo, Z Cao, Y Liu, Y Ni, X Chen, M Terrones, Y Wang
Advanced Science 10 (13), 2207355, 2023
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