Ishan Srivastava
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Cited by
Effect of shape and friction on the packing and flow of granular materials
KM Salerno, DS Bolintineanu, GS Grest, JB Lechman, SJ Plimpton, ...
Physical Review E 98 (5), 050901, 2018
Controlling binder adhesion to impact electrode mesostructures and transport
I Srivastava, DS Bolintineanu, JB Lechman, SA Roberts
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (31), 34919–34930, 2020
Flow Function of Pharmaceutical Powders Is Predominantly Governed by Cohesion, Not by Friction Coefficients
LY Leung, C Mao, I Srivastava, P Du, CY Yang
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 106 (7), 1865-1873, 2017
Granular packings with sliding, rolling, and twisting friction
AP Santos, DS Bolintineanu, GS Grest, JB Lechman, SJ Plimpton, ...
Physical Review E 102 (3), 032903, 2020
Variable-cell method for stress-controlled jamming of athermal, frictionless grains
KC Smith, I Srivastava, TS Fisher, M Alam
Physical Review E 89 (4), 042203, 2014
Flow-arrest transitions in frictional granular matter
I Srivastava, LE Silbert, GS Grest, JB Lechman
Physical review letters 122 (4), 048003, 2019
Viscometric flow of dense granular materials under controlled pressure and shear stress
I Srivastava, LE Silbert, GS Grest, JB Lechman
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 907, A18, 2021
Large-scale frictionless jamming with power-law particle size distributions
JM Monti, JT Clemmer, I Srivastava, LE Silbert, GS Grest, JB Lechman
Physical Review E 106 (3), 034901, 2022
Combined microstructure and heat conduction modeling of heterogeneous interfaces and materials
I Srivastava, S Sadasivam, KC Smith, TS Fisher
Journal of heat transfer 135 (6), 061603, 2013
Jamming of bidisperse frictional spheres
I Srivastava, SA Roberts, JT Clemmer, LE Silbert, JB Lechman, GS Grest
Physical Review Research 3 (3), L032042, 2021
Slow creep in soft granular packings
I Srivastava, TS Fisher
Soft matter 13 (18), 3411-3421, 2017
Mechanics of gold nanoparticle superlattices at high hydrostatic pressures
I Srivastava, BL Peters, JMD Lane, H Fan, KM Salerno, GS Grest
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (28), 17530-17538, 2019
Constraining the weights of Stokes polytopes using BCFW recursions for ϕ4
I Srivastava
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (4), 1-18, 2021
Shear is not always simple: Rate-dependent effects of flow type on granular rheology
JT Clemmer, I Srivastava, GS Grest, JB Lechman
Physical Review Letters 127 (26), 268003, 2021
Evolution of internal granular structure at the flow-arrest transition
I Srivastava, JB Lechman, GS Grest, LE Silbert
Granular Matter 22, 1-8, 2020
Thermal conduction in graphite flake-epoxy composites using infrared microscopy
R Kantharaj, I Srivastava, KR Thaker, AU Gaitonde, A Bruce, J Howarter, ...
2017 16th IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical …, 2017
Staggered scheme for the compressible fluctuating hydrodynamics of multispecies fluid mixtures
I Srivastava, DR Ladiges, AJ Nonaka, AL Garcia, JB Bell
Physical Review E 107 (1), 015305, 2023
Flow and arrest in stressed granular materials
I Srivastava, LE Silbert, JB Lechman, GS Grest
Soft Matter 18 (4), 735-743, 2022
Modeling electrokinetic flows with the discrete ion stochastic continuum overdamped solvent algorithm
DR Ladiges, JG Wang, I Srivastava, A Nonaka, JB Bell, SP Carney, ...
Physical Review E 106 (3), 035104, 2022
Modeling pressure-driven assembly of polymer coated nanoparticles
JMD Lane, KM Salerno, I Srivastava, GS Grest, H Fan
AIP Conference Proceedings 1979 (1), 2018
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Articles 1–20