Jan van Dalen
Jan van Dalen
Associate professor of statistics, Rotterdam School of Management
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Cited by
Preferences for car sharing services: Effects of instrumental attributes and psychological ownership
J Paundra, L Rook, J van Dalen, W Ketter
Journal of environmental psychology 53, 121-130, 2017
Subjective Performance Assessment of Innovation Projects*
F Blindenbach‐Driessen, J Van Dalen, J Van Den Ende
Journal of Product Innovation Management 27 (4), 572-592, 2010
Geographical information systems and landscape archaeology
M Gillings, M Gillings, D Mattingly, J van Dalen
Oxbow Books, 1999
Demand forecasting and order planning for humanitarian logistics: An empirical assessment
E Van der Laan, J van Dalen, M Rohrmoser, R Simpson
Journal of operations management 45, 114-122, 2016
Measuring dynamic efficiency: Theories and an integrated methodology
CM Chen, J van Dalen
European Journal of Operational Research 203 (3), 749-760, 2010
Electric vehicle virtual power plant dilemma: Grid balancing versus customer mobility
MT Kahlen, W Ketter, J van Dalen
Production and Operations Management 27 (11), 2054-2070, 2018
More than just noise? Examining the information content of stock microblogs on financial markets
T Li, J van Dalen, PJ van Rees
Journal of Information Technology 33 (1), 50-69, 2018
Persistent superior economic performance, sustainable competitive advantage, and schumpeterian innovation:: Leading established computer firms, 1954–2000
M Baaij, M Greeven, J Van Dalen
European Management Journal 22 (5), 517-531, 2004
The empirical assessment of corporate ethics: A case study
M Kaptein, J Van Dalen
Journal of Business Ethics 24, 95-114, 2000
Integrated hierarchical forecasting
CLP Pennings, J Van Dalen
European Journal of Operational Research 263 (2), 412-418, 2017
Governing the complexity of smart data cities: Setting a research agenda
J Edelenbos, F Hirzalla, L van Zoonen, J van Dalen, G Bouma, A Slob, ...
Smart Technologies for smart governments: Transparency, efficiency and …, 2018
Ridesharing platform entry effects on ownership-based consumption in Indonesia
J Paundra, J van Dalen, L Rook, W Ketter
Journal of Cleaner Production 265, 121535, 2020
Exploiting elapsed time for managing intermittent demand for spare parts
CLP Pennings, J Van Dalen, EA van der Laan
European Journal of Operational Research 258 (3), 958-969, 2017
Balancing with electric vehicles: A profitable business model
M Kahlen, W Ketter, J van Dalen
The measurement of labour productivity in wholesaling
J van Dalen, J Koerts, AR Thurik
International Journal of Research in Marketing 7 (1), 21-34, 1990
Quality-corrected price indices: the case of the Dutch new passenger car market, 1990–1999
J Dalen*, B Bode
Applied Economics 36 (11), 1169-1197, 2004
Statistisch onderzoek met SPSS for Windows
J Van Dalen
Boom Koninklijke Uitgevers, 2000
Governance and business policy impact on carsharing diffusion in European cities
W Vanheusden, J van Dalen, G Mingardo
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 108, 103312, 2022
Adaptive tactical pricing in multi‐agent supply chain markets using economic regimes
A Hogenboom, W Ketter, J Van Dalen, U Kaymak, J Collins, A Gupta
Decision Sciences 46 (4), 791-818, 2015
The chip in crate: the Heineken case
J van Dalen, JAEE van Nunen, CM Wilens
Managing closed-loop supply chains, 43-55, 2005
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Articles 1–20