Douglas Chivers
Douglas Chivers
Professor of Biology, University of Saskatchewan
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Chemical alarm signalling in aquatic predator-prey systems: a review and prospectus
DP Chivers, RJF Smith
Ecoscience 5 (3), 338-352, 1998
Chemical ecology of predator–prey interactions in aquatic ecosystems: a review and prospectus
MCO Ferrari, BD Wisenden, DP Chivers
Canadian Journal of Zoology 88 (7), 698-724, 2010
Replenishment of fish populations is threatened by ocean acidification
PL Munday, DL Dixson, MI McCormick, M Meekan, MCO Ferrari, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (29), 12930-12934, 2010
Anthropogenic noise increases fish mortality by predation
SD Simpson, AN Radford, SL Nedelec, MCO Ferrari, DP Chivers, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10544, 2016
The paradox of risk allocation: a review and prospectus
MCO Ferrari, A Sih, DP Chivers
Animal Behaviour 78 (3), 579-585, 2009
Ambient UV-B radiation causes deformities in amphibian embryos
AR Blaustein, JM Kiesecker, DP Chivers, RG Anthony
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (25), 13735-13737, 1997
Damselfly larvae learn to recognize predators from chemical cues in the predator's diet
DP Chivers, BD Wisenden, RJF Smith
Animal Behaviour 52 (2), 315-320, 1996
The use of chemical cues in predator recognition by western toad tadpoles
JM Kiesecker, DP Chivers, AR Blaustein
Animal Behaviour 52 (6), 1237-1245, 1996
Phenotypically plastic neophobia: a response to variable predation risk
GE Brown, MCO Ferrari, CK Elvidge, I Ramnarine, DP Chivers
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1756), 20122712, 2013
Fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, acquire predator recognition when alarm substance is associated with the sight of unfamiliar fish
DP Chivers, RJF Smith
Animal Behaviour 48 (3), 597-605, 1994
Predator-recognition training enhances survival of brook trout: evidence from laboratory and field-enclosure studies
RS Mirza, DP Chivers
Canadian Journal of Zoology 78 (12), 2198-2208, 2000
Cultural transmission of predator recognition in fishes: intraspecific and interspecific learning
A Mathis, DP Chivers, RJF Smith
Animal Behaviour 51 (1), 185-201, 1996
The role of learning in the development of threat-sensitive predator avoidance by fathead minnows
MCO Ferrari, JJ Trowell, GE Brown, DP Chivers
Animal Behaviour 70 (4), 777-784, 2005
Generalization of learned predator recognition: an experimental test and framework for future studies
MCO Ferrari, A Gonzalo, F Messier, DP Chivers
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1620), 1853-1859, 2007
Familiarity and shoal cohesion in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for antipredator behaviour
DP Chivers, GE Brown, RJF Smith
Canadian Journal of Zoology 73 (5), 955-960, 1995
Effects of ultraviolet radiation on amphibians: field experiments
AR Blaustein, JM Kiesecker, DP Chivers, DG Hokit, A Marco, LK Belden, ...
American Zoologist 38 (6), 799-812, 1998
The evolution of chemical alarm signals: attracting predators benefits alarm signal senders
DP Chivers, GE Brown, RJF Smith
The American Naturalist 148 (4), 649-659, 1996
Threat-sensitive predator avoidance by slimy sculpins: understanding the importance of visual versus chemical information
DP Chivers, RS Mirza, PJ Bryer, JM Kiesecker
Canadian Journal of Zoology 79 (5), 867-873, 2001
Putting prey and predator into the CO2 equation – qualitative and quantitative effects of ocean acidification on predator–prey interactions
MCO Ferrari, MI McCormick, PL Munday, MG Meekan, DL Dixson, ...
Ecology letters 14 (11), 1143-1148, 2011
Intrageneric variation in antipredator responses of coral reef fishes affected by ocean acidification: implications for climate change projections on marine communities
MCO Ferrari, DL Dixson, PL Munday, MI McCormick, MG Meekan, A Sih, ...
Global Change Biology 17 (9), 2980-2986, 2011
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