Marcos Alexandre Gelesky
Marcos Alexandre Gelesky
Professor de Química
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Disclosure of the imidazolium cation coordination and stabilization mode in ionic liquid stabilized gold (0) nanoparticles
HS Schrekker, MA Gelesky, MP Stracke, CML Schrekker, G Machado, ...
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 316 (1), 189-195, 2007
Laser-induced fragmentation of transition metal nanoparticles in ionic liquids
MA Gelesky, AP Umpierre, G Machado, RRB Correia, WC Magno, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (13), 4588-4589, 2005
Rh (0) nanoparticles as catalyst precursors for the solventless hydroformylation of olefins
AJ Bruss, MA Gelesky, G Machado, J Dupont
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 252 (1-2), 212-218, 2006
Preparation, cation-anion interactions and physicochemical properties of ether-functionalized imidazolium ionic liquids
HS Schrekker, DO Silva, MA Gelesky, MP Stracke, CML Schrekker, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 19, 426-433, 2008
Catalytic Gas‐to‐Liquid Processing Using Cobalt Nanoparticles Dispersed in Imidazolium Ionic Liquids
DO Silva, JD Scholten, MA Gelesky, SR Teixeira, ACB Dos Santos, ...
ChemSusChem: Chemistry & Sustainability Energy & Materials 1 (4), 291-294, 2008
Nanostructures in ionic liquids: correlation of iridium nanoparticles’ size and shape with imidazolium salts’ structural organization and catalytic properties
P Migowski, D Zanchet, G Machado, MA Gelesky, SR Teixeira, J Dupont
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (25), 6826-6833, 2010
Competitive Hydrogenation of Alkyl‐Substituted Arenes by Transition‐Metal Nanoparticles: Correlation with the Alkyl‐Steric Effect
GS Fonseca, ET Silveira, MA Gelesky, J Dupont
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 347 (6), 847-853, 2005
Surface-Enhanced Vibrational Spectroscopy of Tetrafluoroborate 1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium (BMIBF4) Ionic Liquid on Silver Surfaces
JC Rubim, FA Trindade, MA Gelesky, RF Aroca, J Dupont
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (49), 19670-19675, 2008
Metal nanoparticle/ionic liquid/cellulose: new catalytically active membrane materials for hydrogenation reactions
MA Gelesky, CW Scheeren, L Foppa, FA Pavan, SLP Dias, J Dupont
Biomacromolecules 10 (7), 1888-1893, 2009
Supported ionic liquid phase rhodium nanoparticle hydrogenation catalysts
MA Gelesky, SSX Chiaro, FA Pavan, JHZ dos Santos, J Dupont
Dalton Transactions, 5549-5553, 2007
Conversion of Eragrostis plana Nees leaves to activated carbon by microwave-assisted pyrolysis for the removal of organic emerging contaminants from aqueous …
MR Cunha, EC Lima, NFGM Cimirro, PS Thue, SLP Dias, MA Gelesky, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 23315-23327, 2018
Synthesis of silica xerogels with highly distinct morphologies in the presence of imidazolium ionic liquids
RK Donato, MV Migliorini, MA Benvegnu, MP Stracke, MA Gelesky, ...
Journal of sol-gel science and technology 49, 71-77, 2009
Biochemical responses induced by co-exposition to arsenic and titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the estuarine polychaete Laeonereis acuta
SM Nunes, ME Josende, CP Ruas, MA Gelesky, FMR da Silva Júnior, ...
Toxicology 376, 51-58, 2017
Evaluation of coexposure to inorganic arsenic and titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the marine shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei
L Cordeiro, L Müller, MA Gelesky, W Wasielesky, D Fattorini, F Regoli, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 1214-1223, 2016
Different crystalline forms of titanium dioxide nanomaterial (rutile and anatase) can influence the toxicity of copper in golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei?
SM Nunes, ME Josende, M González-Durruthy, CP Ruas, MA Gelesky, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 205, 182-192, 2018
An investigation into an alternative photocatalyst based on CeO2/Al2O3 in dye degradation
TM Neves, TS Frantz, ECC do Schenque, MA Gelesky, VB Mortola
Environmental Technology & Innovation 8, 349-359, 2017
Toxicity evaluation of nanocrystalline silver-impregnated coated dressing on the life cycle of worm Caenorhabditis elegans
A Ayech, ME Josende, J Ventura-Lima, C Ruas, MA Gelesky, A Ale, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 197, 110570, 2020
Removal of pharmaceutical compounds from aqueous solution by novel activated carbon synthesized from lovegrass (Poaceae)
NFGM Cimirro, EC Lima, MR Cunha, SLP Dias, PS Thue, AC Mazzocato, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 21442-21454, 2020
Predicting the binding properties of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) with an ADP/ATP mitochondrial carrier using molecular docking, chemoinformatics, and nano-QSBR …
M González-Durruthy, AV Werhli, L Cornetet, KS Machado, ...
Rsc Advances 6 (63), 58680-58693, 2016
Impact of different crystalline forms of nTiO2 on metabolism and arsenic toxicity in Limnoperna fortunei
SM Nunes, L Müller, C Simioni, LC Ouriques, MA Gelesky, D Fattorini, ...
Science of the Total Environment 728, 138318, 2020
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Articles 1–20