Flow pathways in multiple-direction fold hinges: Implications for fractured and karstified carbonate reservoirs CCC Pontes, FHR Bezerra, G Bertotti, V La Bruna, P Audra, J De Waele, ... Journal of Structural Geology 146, 104324, 2021 | 37 | 2021 |
Influence of fracture stratigraphy on hypogene cave development and fluid flow anisotropy in layered carbonates, NE Brazil F Balsamo, FHR Bezerra, AB Klimchouk, CL Cazarin, AS Auler, ... Marine and Petroleum Geology 114, 104207, 2020 | 33 | 2020 |
The Morro Vermelho hypogenic karst system (Brazil): Stratigraphy, fractures, and flow in a carbonate strike-slip fault zone with implications for carbonate reservoirs G Bertotti, P Audra, A Auler, FH Bezerra, S de Hoop, C Pontes, ... AAPG Bulletin 104 (10), 2029-2050, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
Petrophysical properties of deformation bands in high porous sandstones across fault zones in the Rio do Peixe Basin, Brazil CCC Pontes, FCC Nogueira, FHR Bezerra, F Balsamo, TS Miranda, ... International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 114, 153-163, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
Silicification, flow pathways, and deep-seated hypogene dissolution controlled by structural and stratigraphic variability in a carbonate-siliciclastic sequence (Brazil) L Pisani, M Antonellini, FHR Bezerra, C Carbone, AS Auler, P Audra, ... Marine and Petroleum Geology 139, 105611, 2022 | 19 | 2022 |
Burial stylolites enhance karst dissolution and control cave geometry in heterolithic carbonates, Salitre Formation, Brazil CCC Pontes, F Balsamo, M Pizzati, FH Bezerra, V La Bruna, RS Lima Marine and Petroleum Geology 148, 106029, 2023 | 13 | 2023 |
The effect of fault-induced compaction on petrophysical properties of deformation bands in poorly lithified sandstones MA Nicchio, F Balsamo, FCC Nogueira, L Aldega, CCC Pontes, ... Journal of Structural Geology 166, 104758, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
Karst conduits formed along fracture corridors in anticline hinges of carbonate units: implications for reservoir quality C Pontes, F Bezerra, G Bertotti, F Balsamo, V La Bruna, S De Hoop Fourth Naturally Fractured Reservoir Workshop 2020 (1), 1-6, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Hydrothermal silicification and dolomitization in fault system, Irecê Basin (Brazil)-implication for reservoir properties V La Bruna, F Bezerra, F Balsamo, C Menezes, G Bertotti, J Lamarche, ... Fourth Naturally Fractured Reservoir Workshop 2020 (1), 1-5, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Propriedades físicas de arenitos afetados por bandas de deformação nos diferentes elementos arquiteturais de uma zona de falha. CCC Pontes Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Characteristics and genesis of hypogenic karsts in carbonate successions: inferences for hydrocarbon and geothermal systems G Bertotti, P Audra, A Auler, FH Bezerra, S De Hoop, R Prabhakaran, ... Fourth Naturally Fractured Reservoir Workshop 2020 (1), 1-5, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Controle estrutural e estratigrafia mecânica do carste hipogênico em análogos de reservatórios carbonáticos na formação salitre, Bahia CCC Pontes | | 2022 |
Relationship between hypogene karst geometry and petrophysical properties of Neoproterozoic carbonates, NE Brazil. CCC Pontes, F Balsamo, FH Bezerra, V La Bruna, M Pizzati, R Lima | | 2022 |
Flow pathways in multiple-direction fold hinges: Implications for fractured and karstified carbonate reservoirs C CC Pontes, F HR Bezerra, G Bertotti, V La Bruna, P Audra, J De Waele, ... | | 2021 |
Flow pathways in multiple-direction fold hinges: Implications for fractured and karstified carbonate reservoirs G Bertotti, L Pisani, A S Auler, C CC Pontes, S De Hoop, F Balsamo, ... | | 2021 |
Karst conduits formed along fracture corridors in anticline hinges of carbonate units CCC Pontes, FHR Bezerra, G Bertotti, F Balsamo, V La Bruna, S de Hoop | | 2020 |
Variations in porosity values by gas permeoporosimeter and digital methods in rocks affected by deformation bands CCC Pontes, FCC Nogueira, EMC Charalampidou, J Buckman, ... The Geological Society: Handling Fault Seals, Baffles and Conduits, 2017 | | 2017 |
Assessment of natural deformation bands in sandstones CCC Pontes, EM Charalampidou, N Beaudoin, FCC Nogueira, ... ALERT Geomaterials, 32, 2017 | | 2017 |
Hypogenic karst inception and super-permeability zones in Neoproterozoic carbonates of Northeastern Brazil L PISANI, M ANTONELLINI, J DE WAELE, A AULER, P AUDRA, ... | | |