R Tim Patterson
R Tim Patterson
Professor of Geology, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Re-examination of the statistical methods used to determine the number of point counts needed for micropaleontological quantitative research
RT Patterson, E Fishbein
Journal of Paleontology 63 (2), 245-248, 1989
A review of current testate rhizopod (thecamoebian) research in Canada
RT Patterson, A Kumar
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 180 (1-3), 225-251, 2002
Intertidal benthic foraminiferal biofacies on the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia: modern distribution and paleoecological importance
RT Patterson
Micropaleontology, 229-244, 1990
Evidence for a Younger Dryas-like cooling event on the British Columbia coast
RW Mathewes, LE Heusser, RT Patterson
Geology 21 (2), 101-104, 1993
Arcellaceans (Thecamoebians) in small lakes of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia: modern distribution and Holocene stratigraphic changes
RT Patterson, KD MacKinnon, DB Scott, FS Medioli
Journal of Foraminiferal Research 15 (2), 114-137, 1985
Arcellaceans as pollution indicators in mine tailing contaminated lakes near Cobalt, Ontario, Canada
EG Reinhardt, AP Dalby, A Kumar, RT Patterson
Micropaleontology, 131-148, 1998
Arcellaceans (thecamoebians) as proxies of arsenic and mercury contamination in northeastern Ontario lakes
RT Patterson, T Baker, SM Burbidge
The Journal of Foraminiferal Research 26 (2), 172-183, 1996
Thecamoebians as a tool for reconstruction of paleoenvironments in some Italian lakes in the foothills of the southern Alps (Orta, Varese and Candia)
A Asioli, FS Medioli, RT Patterson
The Journal of Foraminiferal Research 26 (3), 248-263, 1996
Error-weighted maximum likelihood (EWML): a new statistically based method to cluster quantitative micropaleontological data
E Fishbein, RT Patterson
Journal of Paleontology 67 (3), 475-486, 1993
Marsh foraminifera from Nanaimo, British Columbia (Canada); implications of infaunal habitat and taphonomic biasing
DL Ozarko, RT Patterson, HFL Williams
The Journal of Foraminiferal Research 27 (1), 51-68, 1997
Controls on the contemporary distribution of lake thecamoebians (testate amoebae) within the Greater Toronto Area and their potential as water quality indicators
HM Roe, RT Patterson, GT Swindles
Journal of Paleolimnology 43, 955-975, 2010
Evidence for late holocene tsunamis at Catala Lake, British Columbia
JJ Clague, I Hutchinson, RW Mathewes, RT Patterson
Journal of Coastal Research, 45-60, 1999
Arcellaceans (thecamoebians) as indicators of land-use change: settlement history of the Swan Lake area, Ontario as a case study
RT Patterson, A Dalby, A Kumar, LA Henderson, REA Boudreau
Journal of Paleolimnology 28, 297-316, 2002
Assessment of arcellacean (thecamoebian) assemblages, species, and strains as contaminant indicators in James Lake, Northeastern Ontario, Canada
RT Patterson, A Kumar
The Journal of Foraminiferal Research 30 (4), 310-320, 2000
Late Holocene sea-level changes and isostatic crustal movements in Atlantic Canada
WR Gehrels, GA Milne, JR Kirby, RT Patterson, DF Belknap
Quaternary International 120 (1), 79-89, 2004
Oxygen level control on foraminiferal distribution in Effingham inlet, Vancouver island, British Columbia, Canada
RT Patterson, JP Guilbault, RE Thomson
The Journal of Foraminiferal Research 30 (4), 321-335, 2000
Stratigrafia e sedimentologia della sequenza sedimentaria oligocenica-quaternaria del bacino Calabro Ionico
W Cavazza, J Blenkinsop, PG de Celles, RT Patterson, EG Reinhardt
Bollettino della Societā geologica italiana 116 (1), 51-77, 1997
Preservation potential of salt marsh foraminifera from the Fraser River delta, British Columbia
KE Jonasson, RT Patterson
Micropaleontology, 289-301, 1992
Climate Change and the Long-Term Viability of the World's Busiest Heavy-haul Ice Road
PMFJ Mullan DJ, Swindles GT, Patterson RT, Galloway J, Macumber AL, Falck H ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 129, 1089-1108, 2017
Arcellaceans (thecamoebians): new tools for monitoring long-and short-term changes in lake bottom acidity
A Kumar, RT Patterson
Environmental Geology 39, 689-697, 2000
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