Maciej Matyka
Maciej Matyka
University of Wrocław, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Institute for Theoretical Physics
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Cited by
Tortuosity-porosity relation in porous media flow
M Matyka, A Khalili, Z Koza
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (2 …, 2008
Hydraulic tortuosity in arbitrary porous media flow
A Duda, Z Koza, M Matyka
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (3 …, 2011
How to calculate tortuosity easily?
M Matyka, Z Koza
AIP Conference Proceedings 4 1453 (1), 17-22, 2012
Predicting porosity, permeability, and tortuosity of porous media from images by deep learning
KM Graczyk, M Matyka
Scientific reports 10 (1), 21488, 2020
Intensive and extensive nitrogen loss from intertidal permeable sediments of the Wadden Sea
H Gao, M Matyka, B Liu, A Khalili, JE Kostka, G Collins, S Jansen, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 57 (1), 185-198, 2012
Pressure model of soft body simulation
M Matyka, M Ollila
The Annual SIGRAD Conference. Special Theme-Real-Time Simulations …, 2003
Wall orientation and shear stress in the lattice Boltzmann model
M Matyka, Z Koza, Ł Mirosław
Computers & Fluids 73, 115-123, 2013
Compressed multirow storage format for sparse matrices on graphics processing units
Z Koza, M Matyka, S Szkoda, Ł Mirosław
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (2), C219-C239, 2014
Solution to two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with simple, simpler and vorticity-stream function approaches. driven-lid cavity problem: Solution and …
M Matyka
arXiv preprint physics/0407002, 2004
Power-exponential velocity distributions in disordered porous media
M Matyka, J Gołembiewski, Z Koza
Physical Review E 93 (1), 013110, 2016
Finite-size anisotropy in statistically uniform porous media
Z Koza, M Matyka, A Khalili
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (6 …, 2009
The Path Tracking Method as an alternative for tortuosity determination in granular beds
W Sobieski, M Matyka, J Gołembiewski, S Lipiński
Granular Matter 20, 1-14, 2018
GPU-based simulation of 3D blood flow in abdominal aorta using OpenFOAM
Z Malecha, L Miroslaw, T Tomczak, Z Koza, M Matyka, W Tarnawski, ...
Archives of Mechanics 63 (2), 137, 2011
Symulacje komputerowe w fizyce
M Matyka
Helion, 2021
Anisotropy of flow in stochastically generated porous media
M Matyka, Z Koza, J Gołembiewski, M Kostur, M Januszewski
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (2 …, 2013
Acceleration of iterative Navier-Stokes solvers on graphics processing units
T Tomczak, K Zadarnowska, Z Koza, M Matyka, Ł Mirosław
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 27 (4-5), 201-209, 2013
Porosity variation below a fluid–porous interface
A Khalili, MR Morad, M Matyka, B Liu, R Malekmohammadi, J Weise, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 107, 311-316, 2014
An AFM study on mechanical properties of native and dimethyl suberimidate cross‐linked pericardium tissue
K Matyka, M Matyka, I Mroz, J Zalewska‐Rejdak, A Ciszewski
Journal of Molecular Recognition: An Interdisciplinary Journal 20 (6), 524-530, 2007
Memory-efficient lattice Boltzmann method for low Reynolds number flows
M Matyka, M Dzikowski
Computer Physics Communications 267, 108044, 2021
Compressed multiple-row storage format
Z Koza, M Matyka, S Szkoda, L Miroslaw
CoRR, abs/1203.2946, 2012
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Articles 1–20