Megan Dethier
Megan Dethier
Research Professor, Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington
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A functional group approach to the structure of algal-dominated communities
RS Steneck, MN Dethier
Oikos, 476-498, 1994
Visual versus random-point percent cover estimations:'objective'is not always better
MN Dethier, ES Graham, S Cohen, LM Tear
Marine ecology progress series, 93-100, 1993
Disturbance and recovery in intertidal pools: maintenance of mosaic patterns
MN Dethier
Ecological monographs 54 (1), 99-118, 1984
Stress ecology in Fucus: abiotic, biotic and genetic interactions
M Wahl, V Jormalainen, BK Eriksson, JA Coyer, M Molis, H Schubert, ...
Advances in marine biology 59, 37-105, 2011
An" indirect commensalism" between marine herbivores and the importance of competitive hierarchies
MN Dethier, DO Duggins
The American Naturalist 124 (2), 205-219, 1984
Mechanisms of competitive dominance between crustose coralline algae: an herbivore‐mediated competitive reversal
RS Steneck, SD Hacker, MN Dethier
Ecology 72 (3), 938-950, 1991
Tidepools as refuges: predation and the limits of the harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus californicus (Baker)
MN Dethier
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 42 (2), 99-111, 1980
The ecology of intertidal algal crusts: variation within a functional group
MN Dethier
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 177 (1), 37-71, 1994
Monitoring rocky shores
SN Murray, R Ambrose, MN Dethier
Univ of California Press, 2006
Multiscale impacts of armoring on Salish Sea shorelines: evidence for cumulative and threshold effects
MN Dethier, WW Raymond, AN McBride, JD Toft, JR Cordell, AS Ogston, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 175, 106-117, 2016
Heteromorphic algal life histories: The seasonal pattern and response to herbivory of the brown crust, Ralfsia californica
MN Dethier
Oecologia 49, 333-339, 1981
Marine and estuarine ecosystem and habitat classification
RJ Allee, M Dethier, D Brown, L Deegan, RG Ford, TF Hourigan, ...
NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service, 2000
Seaweeds under stress: manipulated stress and herbivory affect critical life‐history functions
MN Dethier, SL Williams, A Freeman
Ecological Monographs 75 (3), 403-418, 2005
Addressing assumptions: variation in stable isotopes and fatty acids of marine macrophytes can confound conclusions of food web studies
MN Dethier, E Sosik, AWE Galloway, DO Duggins, CA Simenstad
Marine Ecology Progress Series 478, 1-14, 2013
A Marine Plant (Spartina Anglica) Invades Widely Varying Habitats: Potential Mechanisms of Invasion and Control
SD Hacker, D Heimer, CE Hellquist, TG Reeder, B Reeves, TJ Riordan, ...
Biological Invasions 3, 211-217, 2001
The consequences of scale: assessing the distribution of benthic populations in a complex estuarine fjord
MN Dethier, GC Schoch
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (1-2), 253-270, 2005
Growth and persistence of diverse intertidal crusts: survival of the slow in a fast-paced world
MN Dethier, RS Steneck
Marine Ecology Progress Series 223, 89-100, 2001
Scaling up: the statistical linkage between organismal abundance and geomorphology on rocky intertidal shorelines
GC Schoch, MN Dethier
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 201 (1-2), 37-72, 1996
Experimental studies of herbivory and algal competition in a low intertidal habitat
DO Duggins, MN Dethier
Oecologia 67, 183-191, 1985
Spatial patterns in macroalgal chemical defenses
KL Van Alstyne, MN Dethier, DO Duggins
Marine chemical ecology 3, 301-324, 2001
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Articles 1–20