Sophie Hooge
Sophie Hooge
Professor, Mines Paris - PSL Research University
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The challenges of innovation capability building: Learning from longitudinal studies of innovation efforts at Renault and Volvo Cars
S Börjesson, M Elmquist, S Hooge
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 31 (January-March 2014 …, 2014
Gamification of creativity: exploring the usefulness of serious games for ideation
M Agogué, K Levillain, S Hooge
Creativity and innovation management 24 (3), 415-429, 2015
Beyond the generation of ideas: Virtual idea campaigns to spur creativity and innovation
A Elerud‐Tryde, S Hooge
Creativity and Innovation Management 23 (3), 290-302, 2014
Framing value management for creative projects: An expansive perspective
T Gillier, S Hooge, G Piat
International Journal of Project Management 33 (4), 947-960, 2015
Introduction à la conception innovante: Eléments théoriques et pratiques de la théorie C-K
M Agogué, F Arnoux, I Brown, S Hooge
Presses des Mines, collection Économie et Gestion, 2013
Organising for radical innovation: The benefits of the interplay between cognitive and organisational processes in KCP workshops
S Hooge, M Béjean, F Arnoux
International Journal of Innovation Management 20 (04), 1640004, 2016
An introduction to innovative design Elements and applications of CK theory
M Agogué, S Hooge, F Arnoux, I Brown
Presses des Mines, Design Science Collection, 2014
Breakthrough R&D stakeholders: The challenges of legitimacy in highly uncertain projects
S Hooge, C Dalmasso
Project Management Journal 46 (6), 54-73, 2015
Performance de la R&D en rupture et des stratégies d'innovation: Organisation, pilotage et modèle d'adhésion
S Hooge
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2010
A new methodology for advanced engineering design: Lessons from experimenting CK Theory driven tools
S Hooge, M Agogué, T Gillier
International Design Conference-Design 2012, 12p, 2012
Multiple forms of applications and impacts of a design theory: 10 years of industrial applications of CK theory
A Hatchuel, P Le Masson, B Weil, M Agogué, A Kazakçi, S Hooge
Impact of Design Research on Industrial Practice: Tools, Technology, and …, 2016
Collaborative organizations for innovation: A focus on the management of sociotechnical imaginaries to stimulate industrial ecosystems
S Hooge, L Le Du
Creativity and Innovation Management 25 (3), 311-330, 2016
Gambling versus designing: Organizing for the design of the probability space in the energy sector
S Hooge, O Kokshagina, P Le Masson, K Levillain, B Weil, ...
Creativity and Innovation Management 25 (4), 464-483, 2016
Big data as an exploration trigger or problem-solving patch: Design and integration of AI-embedded systems in the automotive industry
Q Plantec, MA Deval, S Hooge, B Weil
Technovation 124, 102763, 2023
What does the proof-of-concept (POC) really prove? A historical perspective and a cross-domain analytical study
C Jobin, S Hooge, P Le Masson
XXIXème conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique …, 2020
Value indicators and monitoring in innovative PDM: A grounded approach
S Hooge, A Hatchuel
XVe International Product Development Management Conference, 14p, 2008
The logics of double proof in proof of concept: a design theory-based model of experimentation in the unknown
C Jobin, S Hooge, P Le Masson
Proceedings of the Design Society 1, 3051-3060, 2021
Refaire société par la création de communautés d’innovation: Le cas des ateliers SpotLAB sur les nouvelles mobilités en régions
D Laousse, S Hooge
Revue française de gestion, 85-102, 2018
Renouveler la gestion de ressources communes par la conception innovante? Le cas d’une race locale au Pays basque
J Labatut, S Hooge
Natures Sciences Sociétés 24 (4), 319-330, 2016
Performance de la R&D et de l'innovation - Du contrôle de gestion à la gestion contrôlée
S Hooge, R Stasia
Coll. Economie et Gestion, 2016
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Articles 1–20