Günther Schauberger
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Ammonia emissions from agriculture and their contribution to fine particulate matter: A review of implications for human health
KE Wyer, DB Kelleghan, V Blanes-Vidal, G Schauberger, TP Curran
Journal of Environmental Management 323, 116285, 2022
Comparison of models used for UV index calculations
P Koepke, A Bais, D Balis, M Buchwitz, H De Backer, X de Cabo, P Eckert, ...
Photochemistry and Photobiology 67 (6), 657-662, 1998
Change of ultraviolet absorbance of sunscreens by exposure to solar-simulated radiation
H Maier, H Hönigsmann, G Schauberger, K Brunnhofer
Journal of investigative dermatology 117 (2), 256-262, 2001
Summary and overview of the odour regulations worldwide
A Bokowa, C Diaz, JA Koziel, M McGinley, J Barclay, G Schauberger, ...
Atmosphere 12 (2), 206, 2021
Evaluation of the chemical composition and correlation between the calculated and measured odour concentration of odorous gases from a landfill in Beijing, China
C Wu, J Liu, P Zhao, W Li, L Yan, M Piringer, G Schauberger
Atmospheric Environment 164, 337-347, 2017
Steady-state balance model to calculate the indoor climate of livestock buildings, demonstrated for finishing pigs
G Schauberger, M Piringer, E Petz
International Journal of Biometeorology 43, 154-162, 2000
Conversion of the chemical concentration of odorous mixtures into odour concentration and odour intensity: A comparison of methods
C Wu, J Liu, P Zhao, M Piringer, G Schauberger
Atmospheric Environment 127, 283-292, 2016
Diurnal and annual variation of the sensation distance of odour emitted by livestock buildings calculated by the Austrian odour dispersion model (AODM)
G Schauberger, M Piringer, E Petz
Atmospheric Environment 34 (28), 4839-4851, 2000
Facial solar UV exposure of Austrian farmers during occupation
AW Schmalwieser, A Cabaj, G Schauberger, H Rohn, B Maier, H Maier
Photochemistry and photobiology 86 (6), 1404-1413, 2010
Separation distance to avoid odour nuisance due to livestock calculated by the Austrian odour dispersion model (AODM)
G Schauberger, M Piringer, E Petz
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 87 (1), 13-28, 2001
Comparison of measured and modelled UV indices for the assessment of health risks
H De Backer, P Koepke, A Bais, X de Cabo, T Frei, D Gillotay, C Haite, ...
Meteorological Applications: A journal of forecasting, practical …, 2001
Comparison of a Gaussian diffusion model with guidelines for calculating the separation distance between livestock farming and residential areas to avoid odour annoyance
M Piringer, G Schauberger
Atmospheric environment 33 (14), 2219-2228, 1999
Diurnal and annual variation of odour emission from animal houses: a model calculation for fattening pigs
G Schauberger, M Piringer, E Petz
Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 74 (3), 251-259, 1999
Physical characteristics of six new thermocyclers
D Schoder, A Schmalwieser, G Schauberger, M Kuhn, J Hoorfar, ...
Clinical chemistry 49 (6), 960-963, 2003
Modelled performance of energy saving air treatment devices to mitigate heat stress for confined livestock buildings in Central Europe
R Vitt, L Weber, W Zollitsch, SJ Hörtenhuber, J Baumgartner, K Niebuhr, ...
Biosystems Engineering 164, 85-97, 2017
A sensitivity study of separation distances calculated with the Austrian Odour Dispersion Model (AODM)
M Piringer, E Petz, I Groehn, G Schauberger
Atmospheric Environment 41 (8), 1725-1735, 2007
Concept to assess the human perception of odour by estimating short-time peak concentrations from one-hour mean values. Reply to a comment by Janicke et al.
G Schauberger, M Piringer, R Schmitzer, M Kamp, A Sowa, R Koch, ...
Atmospheric Environment 54, 624-628, 2012
Odour emissions from a waste treatment plant using an inverse dispersion technique
G Schauberger, M Piringer, W Knauder, E Petz
Atmospheric environment 45 (9), 1639-1647, 2011
Empirical model of odor emission from deep-pit swine finishing barns to derive a standardized odor emission factor
G Schauberger, TT Lim, JQ Ni, DS Bundy, BL Haymore, CA Diehl, ...
Atmospheric environment 66, 84-90, 2013
UV-inactivation of microorganisms in water
R Sommer, G Weber, A Cabaj, J Wekerle, G Keck, G Schauberger
Zentralblatt Fur Hygiene Und Umweltmedizin= International Journal of Hygiene …, 1989
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Articles 1–20