Mauro Birattari
Mauro Birattari
F.R.S.–FNRS Research Director, IRIDIA, Université libre de Bruxelles
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Cited by
Ant colony optimization: Artificial ants as a computational intelligence technique
M Dorigo, M Birattari, T Stutzle
IEEE computational intelligence magazine 1 (4), 28-39, 2006
The irace package: Iterated racing for automatic algorithm configuration
M López-Ibáńez, J Dubois-Lacoste, LP Cáceres, M Birattari, T Stützle
Operations Research Perspectives 3, 43-58, 2016
Swarm robotics: a review from the swarm engineering perspective
M Brambilla, E Ferrante, M Birattari, M Dorigo
Swarm Intelligence 7, 1-41, 2013
A Racing Algorithm for Configuring Metaheuristics.
M Birattari, T Stützle, L Paquete, K Varrentrapp
Gecco 2 (2002), 2002
ARGoS: a modular, parallel, multi-engine simulator for multi-robot systems
C Pinciroli, V Trianni, R O’Grady, G Pini, A Brutschy, M Brambilla, ...
Swarm intelligence 6, 271-295, 2012
Swarmanoid: A novel concept for the study of heterogeneous robotic swarms
M Dorigo, D Floreano, LM Gambardella, F Mondada, S Nolfi, T Baaboura, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 1070 (9932/13), 2013
F-race and iterated F-race: An overview
M Birattari, Z Yuan, P Balaprakash, T Stützle
Experimental methods for the analysis of optimization, 2010
Tuning metaheuristics: a machine learning perspective
M Birattari
Springer, 2009
Frankenstein's PSO: a composite particle swarm optimization algorithm
MA Montes de Oca, T Stutzle, M Birattari, M Dorigo
Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on 13 (5), 1120-1132, 2009
Model-based search for combinatorial optimization: A critical survey
M Zlochin, M Birattari, N Meuleau, M Dorigo
Annals of Operations Research 131, 373-395, 2004
Swarm intelligence
M Dorigo, M Birattari
Scholarpedia 2 (9), 1462, 2007
Lazy learning for local modelling and control design
G Bontempi, M Birattari, H Bersini
International Journal of Control 72 (7-8), 643-658, 1999
Improvement strategies for the F-Race algorithm: Sampling design and iterative refinement
P Balaprakash, M Birattari, T Stützle
Hybrid Metaheuristics: 4th International Workshop, HM 2007, Dortmund …, 2007
A comparison of the performance of different metaheuristics on the timetabling problem
O Rossi-Doria, M Sampels, M Birattari, M Chiarandini, M Dorigo, ...
Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling IV: 4th International …, 2003
Parameter adaptation in ant colony optimization
T Stützle, M López-Ibánez, P Pellegrini, M Maur, M Montes de Oca, ...
Autonomous Search, 191-215, 2012
An effective hybrid algorithm for university course timetabling
M Chiarandini, M Birattari, K Socha, O Rossi-Doria
Journal of Scheduling 9, 403-432, 2006
Swarm robotics
M Dorigo, M Birattari, M Brambilla
Scholarpedia 9 (1), 1463, 2014
AutoMoDe: A novel approach to the automatic design of control software for robot swarms
G Francesca, M Brambilla, A Brutschy, V Trianni, M Birattari
Swarm Intelligence 8, 89-112, 2014
Parallel ant colony optimization for the traveling salesman problem
M Manfrin, M Birattari, T Stützle, M Dorigo
5th International Workshop, ANTS, 1161-1172, 2006
The problem of tuning metaheuristics as seen from a machine learning perspective
M Birattari
Université libre de Bruxelles, 2004
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Articles 1–20