Maxim O. Lavrentovich
Cited by
Cited by
A mathematical model of spontaneous calcium (II) oscillations in astrocytes
M Lavrentovich, S Hemkin
Journal of Theoretical Biology 251 (4), 553-560, 2008
Change in stripes for cholesteric shells via anchoring in moderation
L Tran, MO Lavrentovich, G Durey, A Darmon, MF Haase, N Li, D Lee, ...
Physical Review X 7 (4), 041029, 2017
Pollen cell wall patterns form from modulated phases
A Radja, EM Horsley, MO Lavrentovich, AM Sweeney
Cell 176 (4), 856-868. e10, 2019
Radial Domany-Kinzel models with mutation and selection
MO Lavrentovich, KS Korolev, DR Nelson
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (1 …, 2013
Soliton walls paired by polar surface interactions in a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal
B Basnet, M Rajabi, H Wang, P Kumari, K Thapa, S Paul, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 3932, 2022
First-order patterning transitions on a sphere as a route to cell morphology
MO Lavrentovich, EM Horsley, A Radja, AM Sweeney, RD Kamien
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (19), 5189-5194, 2016
Period proliferation in periodic states in cyclically sheared jammed solids
MO Lavrentovich, AJ Liu, SR Nagel
Physical Review E 96 (2), 020101, 2017
Nutrient shielding in clusters of cells
MO Lavrentovich, JH Koschwanez, DR Nelson
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (6 …, 2013
Lassoing saddle splay and the geometrical control of topological defects
L Tran, MO Lavrentovich, DA Beller, N Li, KJ Stebe, RD Kamien
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (26), 7106-7111, 2016
Asymmetric mutualism in two-and three-dimensional range expansions
MO Lavrentovich, DR Nelson
Physical review letters 112 (13), 138102, 2014
Deciphering melatonin-stabilized phase separation in phospholipid bilayers
D Bolmatov, WT McClintic, G Taylor, CB Stanley, C Do, CP Collier, ...
Langmuir 35 (37), 12236-12245, 2019
Genetic drift and selection in many-allele range expansions
BT Weinstein, MO Lavrentovich, W Möbius, AW Murray, DR Nelson
PLoS computational biology 13 (12), e1005866, 2017
Spatially constrained growth enhances conversional meltdown
MO Lavrentovich, ME Wahl, DR Nelson, AW Murray
Biophysical journal 110 (12), 2800-2808, 2016
Chiral ground states of ferroelectric liquid crystals
P Kumari, B Basnet, MO Lavrentovich, OD Lavrentovich
Science 383 (6689), 1364-1368, 2024
Lateral heterogeneity and domain formation in cellular membranes
JJ Kinnun, D Bolmatov, MO Lavrentovich, J Katsaras
Chemistry and physics of lipids 232, 104976, 2020
Survival probabilities at spherical frontiers
MO Lavrentovich, DR Nelson
Theoretical population biology 102, 26-39, 2015
Helfrich-hurault elastic instabilities driven by geometrical frustration
C Blanc, G Durey, RD Kamien, T Lopez-Leon, MO Lavrentovich, L Tran
Reviews of Modern Physics 95 (1), 015004, 2023
Artificial pollen walls simulated by the tandem processes of phase separation and self‐assembly in vitro
NI Gabarayeva, VV Grigorjeva, MO Lavrentovich
New Phytologist 225 (5), 1956-1973, 2020
Phonon-mediated lipid raft formation in biological membranes
D Bolmatov, JJ Kinnun, J Katsaras, MO Lavrentovich
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 232, 104979, 2020
Undulation instabilities in cholesteric liquid crystals induced by anchoring transitions
MO Lavrentovich, L Tran
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023128, 2020
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Articles 1–20