Takao Sasagawa
Takao Sasagawa
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Cited by
Massive Dirac fermion on the surface of a magnetically doped topological insulator
YL Chen, JH Chu, JG Analytis, ZK Liu, K Igarashi, HH Kuo, XL Qi, SK Mo, ...
Science 329 (5992), 659-662, 2010
Antiferromagnetic order induced by an applied magnetic field in a high-temperature superconductor
B Lake, HM Rønnow, NB Christensen, G Aeppli, K Lefmann, ...
Nature 415 (6869), 299-302, 2002
Abrupt onset of a second energy gap at the superconducting transition of underdoped Bi2212
WS Lee, IM Vishik, K Tanaka, DH Lu, T Sasagawa, N Nagaosa, ...
Nature 450 (7166), 81-84, 2007
Universal nodal Fermi velocity
XJ Zhou, T Yoshida, A Lanzara, PV Bogdanov, SA Kellar, KM Shen, ...
Nature 423 (6938), 398-398, 2003
Metallic Behavior of Lightly Doped with a Fermi Surface Forming an Arc
T Yoshida, XJ Zhou, T Sasagawa, WL Yang, PV Bogdanov, A Lanzara, ...
Physical review letters 91 (2), 027001, 2003
An unusual isotope effect in a high-transition-temperature superconductor
GH Gweon, T Sasagawa, SY Zhou, J Graf, H Takagi, DH Lee, A Lanzara
Nature 430 (6996), 187-190, 2004
Momentum-resolved Landau-level spectroscopy of Dirac surface state in
T Hanaguri, K Igarashi, M Kawamura, H Takagi, T Sasagawa
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (8), 081305, 2010
Phase competition in trisected superconducting dome
IM Vishik, M Hashimoto, RH He, WS Lee, F Schmitt, D Lu, RG Moore, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (45), 18332-18337, 2012
Zero-energy vortex bound state in the superconducting topological surface state of Fe (Se, Te)
T Machida, Y Sun, S Pyon, S Takeda, Y Kohsaka, T Hanaguri, ...
Nature materials 18 (8), 811-815, 2019
Chemical Potential Shift in Overdoped and Underdoped
A Ino, T Mizokawa, A Fujimori, K Tamasaku, H Eisaki, S Uchida, T Kimura, ...
Physical review letters 79 (11), 2101, 1997
Universal high energy anomaly in the angle-resolved photoemission spectra of high temperature superconductors: possible evidence of spinon and holon branches
J Graf, GH Gweon, K McElroy, SY Zhou, C Jozwiak, E Rotenberg, A Bill, ...
Physical review letters 98 (6), 067004, 2007
Multiple Bosonic Mode Coupling in the Electron Self-Energy of
XJ Zhou, J Shi, T Yoshida, T Cuk, WL Yang, V Brouet, J Nakamura, ...
Physical review letters 95 (11), 117001, 2005
Ubiquitous formation of bulk Dirac cones and topological surface states from a single orbital manifold in transition-metal dichalcogenides
MS Bahramy, OJ Clark, BJ Yang, J Feng, L Bawden, JM Riley, I Markoviæ, ...
Nature materials 17 (1), 21-28, 2018
Dichotomy between Nodal and Antinodal Quasiparticles in Underdoped Superconductors
XJ Zhou, T Yoshida, DH Lee, WL Yang, V Brouet, F Zhou, WX Ti, ...
Physical review letters 92 (18), 187001, 2004
Electronic Structure of a Quasi-Freestanding MoS2 Monolayer
T Eknapakul, PDC King, M Asakawa, P Buaphet, RH He, SK Mo, H Takagi, ...
Nano letters 14 (3), 1312-1316, 2014
Doping Dependent Density of States and Pseudogap Behavior in
A Ino, T Mizokawa, K Kobayashi, A Fujimori, T Sasagawa, T Kimura, ...
Physical review letters 81 (10), 2124, 1998
Hierarchy of multiple many-body interaction scales in high-temperature superconductors
W Meevasana, XJ Zhou, S Sahrakorpi, WS Lee, WL Yang, K Tanaka, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (17), 174506, 2007
A weak topological insulator state in quasi-one-dimensional bismuth iodide
R Noguchi, T Takahashi, K Kuroda, M Ochi, T Shirasawa, M Sakano, ...
Nature 566 (7745), 518-522, 2019
Polaronic Behavior of Undoped High- Cuprate Superconductors <?format ?>from Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectra
O Rösch, O Gunnarsson, XJ Zhou, T Yoshida, T Sasagawa, A Fujimori, ...
Physical review letters 95 (22), 227002, 2005
Deep-learning-based image segmentation integrated with optical microscopy for automatically searching for two-dimensional materials
S Masubuchi, E Watanabe, Y Seo, S Okazaki, T Sasagawa, K Watanabe, ...
npj 2D Materials and Applications 4 (1), 3, 2020
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Articles 1–20