Terry Engelder
Terry Engelder
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The role of salt in fold-and-thrust belts
DM Davis, T Engelder
Tectonophysics 119 (1-4), 67-88, 1985
Stress regimes in the lithosphere
T Engelder
Princeton University Press, 2014
Natural gas: Should fracking stop?
RW Howarth, A Ingraffea, T Engelder
Nature 477 (7364), 271-275, 2011
The permeability of whole and jointed Barre granite
RL Kranzz, AD Frankel, T Engelder, CH Scholz
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics …, 1979
Cataclasis and the generation of fault gouge
JT Engelder
Geological Society of America Bulletin 85 (10), 1515-1522, 1974
On the use of regional joint sets as trajectories of paleostress fields during the development of the Appalachian Plateau, New York
T Engelder, P Geiser
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 85 (B11), 6319-6341, 1980
Joint sets that enhance production from Middle and Upper Devonian gas shales of the Appalachian Basin
T Engelder, GG Lash, RS Uzcátegui
AAPG bulletin 93 (7), 857-889, 2009
The role of asperity indentation and ploughing in rock friction—I: Asperity creep and stick-slip
CH Scholz, JT Engelder
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics …, 1976
Joints and shear fractures in rock
T Engelder
Fracture mechanics of rock 2, 27-69, 1987
Loading paths to joint propagation during a tectonic cycle: an example from the Appalachian Plateau, USA
T Engelder
Journal of Structural Geology 7 (3-4), 459-476, 1985
Fault-related rocks: Suggestions for terminology
DU Wise, DE Dunn, JT Engelder, PA Geiser, RD Hatcher, SA Kish, ...
Geology 12 (7), 391-394, 1984
Factors controlling joint spacing in interbedded sedimentary rocks: integrating numerical models with field observations from the Monterey Formation, USA
MR Gross, MP Fischer, T Engelder, RJ Greenfield
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 92 (1), 215-233, 1995
Neotectonic joints
PL Hancock, T Engelder
Geological Society of America Bulletin 101 (10), 1197-1208, 1989
Classification of solution cleavage in pelagic limestones
W Alvarez, T Engelder, PA Geiser
Geology 6 (5), 263-266, 1978
Should fracking stop?
RW Howarth, A Ingraffea, T Engelder
Nature 477 (7364), 271-275, 2011
Influence of poroelastic behavior on the magnitude of minimum horizontal stress, Sh in overpressured parts of sedimentary basins
T Engelder, MP Fischer
Geology 22 (10), 949-952, 1994
The fate of residual treatment water in gas shale
T Engelder, LM Cathles, LT Bryndzia
Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources 7, 33-48, 2014
Thickness trends and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian Marcellus Formation, Appalachian Basin: Implications for Acadian foreland basin evolution
GG Lash, T Engelder
AAPG bulletin 95 (1), 61-103, 2011
An analysis of horizontal microcracking during catagenesis: Example from the Catskill delta complex
GG Lash, T Engelder
AAPG bulletin 89 (11), 1433-1449, 2005
Is there a genetic relationship between selected regional joints and contemporary stress within the lithosphere of North America?
T Engelder
Tectonics 1 (2), 161-177, 1982
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Articles 1–20