Arnaldo Candido Junior
Arnaldo Candido Junior
Computer Cience Professor, São Paulo State University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na unesp.br
Yourtts: Towards zero-shot multi-speaker tts and zero-shot voice conversion for everyone
E Casanova, J Weber, CD Shulby, AC Junior, E Gölge, MA Ponti
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2709-2720, 2022
Facilita: reading assistance for low-literacy readers
WM Watanabe, AC Junior, VR Uzêda, RPM Fortes, TAS Pardo, ...
Proceedings of the 27th ACM international conference on Design of …, 2009
Supporting the adaptation of texts for poor literacy readers: a text simplification editor for brazilian portuguese
A Candido Jr, EG Maziero, L Specia, C Gasperin, T Pardo, S Aluisio
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building …, 2009
SC-GlowTTS: An efficient zero-shot multi-speaker text-to-speech model
E Casanova, C Shulby, E Gölge, NM Müller, FS De Oliveira, AC Junior, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.05557, 2021
Harmonic to noise ratio measurement-selection of window and length
J Fernandes, F Teixeira, V Guedes, A Junior, JP Teixeira
Procedia computer science 138, 280-285, 2018
Automatic detection and classification of honey bee comb cells using deep learning
TS Alves, MA Pinto, P Ventura, CJ Neves, DG Biron, AC Junior, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 170, 105244, 2020
Rhetorical Move Detection in English Abstracts: Multi-label Sentence Classifiers and their Annotated Corpora.
C Dayrell, A Candido Jr, G Lima, D Machado Jr, AA Copestake, ...
LREC, 1604-1609, 2012
SIMPLIFICA: a tool for authoring simplified texts in Brazilian Portuguese guided by readability assessments
C Scarton, M Oliveira, A Candido Jr, C Gasperin, S Aluísio
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Demonstration Session, 41-44, 2010
Transfer learning with audioset to voice pathologies identification in continuous speech
V Guedes, F Teixeira, A Oliveira, J Fernandes, L Silva, A Junior, ...
Procedia Computer Science 164, 662-669, 2019
Adapting web content for low-literacy readers by using lexical elaboration and named entities labeling
WM Watanabe, A Candido Jr, MA Amâncio, M De Oliveira, TAS Pardo, ...
Proceedings of the 2010 international cross disciplinary conference on web …, 2010
Automatic detection of spelling variation in historical corpus: An application to build a Brazilian Portuguese spelling variants dictionary
R Giusti, A Candido Jr, M Muniz, L Cucatto, SM Aluísio
Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference, 1-20, 2007
TTS-Portuguese Corpus: a corpus for speech synthesis in Brazilian Portuguese
E Casanova, AC Junior, C Shulby, FS Oliveira, JP Teixeira, MA Ponti, ...
Language Resources and Evaluation 56 (3), 1043-1055, 2022
Reducing efforts of software engineering systematic literature reviews updates using text classification
WM Watanabe, KR Felizardo, A Candido Jr, ÉF de Souza, ...
Information and Software Technology 128, 106395, 2020
Transfer Learning and Data Augmentation Techniques to the COVID-19 Identification Tasks in ComParE 2021.
E Casanova, A Candido Jr, RCF Junior, M Finger, LRS Gris, MA Ponti, ...
Interspeech, 446-450, 2021
A lightweight regression method to infer psycholinguistic properties for Brazilian Portuguese
LB dos Santos, MS Duran, NS Hartmann, A Candido, GH Paetzold, ...
Text, Speech, and Dialogue: 20th International Conference, TSD 2017, Prague …, 2017
Long short term memory on chronic laryngitis classification
V Guedes, A Junior, J Fernandes, F Teixeira, JP Teixeira
Procedia Computer Science 138, 250-257, 2018
Deep learning against COVID-19: respiratory insufficiency detection in Brazilian Portuguese speech
E Casanova, L Gris, A Camargo, D Silva, MG Gazzola, EC Sabino, ...
Proceedings, 2021
Classification of control/pathologic subjects with support vector machines
F Teixeira, J Fernandes, V Guedes, A Junior, JP Teixeira
Procedia computer science 138, 272-279, 2018
Brazilian Portuguese Speech Recognition Using Wav2vec 2.0
LR Stefanel Gris, E Casanova, FS Oliveira, A Silva Soares, ...
International Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese …, 2022
Introducing bode: A fine-tuned large language model for portuguese prompt-based task
GL Garcia, PH Paiola, LH Morelli, G Candido, AC Júnior, DS Jodas, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.02909, 2024
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