Michael B. Wells
Michael B. Wells
Other namesMichael Wells
Associate Professor, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet
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Cited by
Cited by
Predicting preschool teacher retention and turnover in newly hired Head Start teachers across the first half of the school year
MB Wells
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 30, 152-159, 2015
Do father-friendly policies promote father-friendly child-rearing practices? A review of Swedish parental leave and child health centers
MB Wells, A Sarkadi
Journal of Child and Family Studies 21, 25-31, 2012
Literature review shows that fathers are still not receiving the support they want and need from Swedish child health professionals
MB Wells
Acta Paediatrica 105 (9), 1014-1023, 2016
An Organizational-Level Analysis of Early Childhood Teachers’ Job Attitudes: Workplace Satisfaction Affects Early Head Start and Head Start Teacher Turnover
L Jeon, MB Wells
Child & Youth Care Forum 47 (4), 563-581, 2018
Families and family policies in Sweden
MB Wells, D Bergnehr
Handbook of Family Policies Across the Globe, 91-107, 2014
Child behaviour problems, parenting behaviours and parental adjustment in mothers and fathers in Sweden
R Salari, MB Wells, A Sarkadi
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 42 (7), 547–553, 2014
LGBTQ competence wanted: LGBTQ parents’ experiences of reproductive health care in Sweden
S Klittmark, M Garzón, E Andersson, MB Wells
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 2019
A Literature Review and meta-ethnography of fathers’ psychological health and received social support during unpredictable complicated childbirths
E Vallin, H Nestander, MB Wells
Midwifery 68, 48-55, 2019
Associations between parent–teacher cocaring relationships, parent–child relationships, and young children’s social emotional development
SN Lang, L Jeon, SJ Schoppe-Sullivan, MB Wells
Child & Youth Care Forum 49, 623-646, 2020
Mothers’ and fathers’ attendance in a community-based universally offered parenting program in Sweden
MB Wells, A Sarkadi, R Salari
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 44 (3), 274-280, 2016
Is all support equal?: Head Start preschool teachers' psychological job attitudes
MB Wells
Teaching and Teacher Education 63, 103-115, 2017
Supporting same‐sex mothers in the Nordic child health field: a systematic literature review and meta‐synthesis of the most gender equal countries
MB Wells, SN Lang
Journal of Clinical Nursing 25 (23-24), 3469-3483, 2016
Conscious parenting: A qualitative study on Swedish parents’ motives to participate in a parenting program
J Rahmqvist, MB Wells, A Sarkadi
Journal of Child and Family Studies 23, 934-944, 2014
Parenthood is associated with lower suicide risk: a register‐based cohort study of 1.5 million Swedes
M Dehara, MB Wells, H Sjöqvist, K Kosidou, C Dalman, A Sörberg Wallin
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 143 (3), 206-215, 2021
Mothers experiences in relation to a new Swedish postnatal home-based model of midwifery care–A cross-sectional study
M Johansson, L Thies-Lagergren, MB Wells
Midwifery 78, 140-149, 2019
Children with two homes: Psychological problems in relation to living arrangements in Nordic 2-to 9-year-olds
M Bergström, E Fransson, MB Wells, L Köhler, A Hjern
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 1-9, 2018
‘Children are exposed to temptation all the time’–parents’ lifestyle‐related discussions in focus groups
C Stenhammar, M Wells, A Åhman, B Wettergren, B Edlund, A Sarkadi
Acta Paediatrica 101 (2), 208-215, 2012
Paternal postnatal depression and received midwife, child health nurse, and maternal support: A cross-sectional analysis of primiparous and multiparous fathers
MB Wells, O Aronson
Journal of affective disorders 280, 127-135, 2021
Screening fathers for postpartum depression can be cost-effective: An example from Sweden
MM Asper, N Hallén, L Lindberg, A Månsdotter, M Carlberg, MB Wells
Journal of Affective Disorders 241, 154-163, 2018
Swedish child health nurses treat fathers more equally in 2014 than 2004, but mothers remain their primary focus
MB Wells, P Massoudi, M Bergström
Acta Paediatrica 106 (8), 1302-1308, 2017
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Articles 1–20