Bernard Coakley
Bernard Coakley
Professor of Geology, University of Alaska
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The international bathymetric chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) version 3.0
M Jakobsson, L Mayer, B Coakley, JA Dowdeswell, S Forbes, B Fridman, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (12), 2012
New grid of Arctic bathymetry aids scientists and mapmakers
M Jakobsson, N Cherkis, J Woodward, R Macnab, B Coakley
EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union 81 (9), 89-96, 2000
Simulation of foreland basin stratigraphy using a diffusion model of mountain belt uplift and erosion: an example from the central Alps, Switzerland
HD Sinclair, BJ Coakley, PA Allen, AB Watts
Tectonics 10 (3), 599-620, 1991
New standards for reducing gravity data: The North American gravity database
WJ Hinze, C Aiken, J Brozena, B Coakley, D Dater, G Flanagan, ...
Geophysics 70 (4), J25-J32, 2005
A model for the headward erosion of submarine canyons induced by downslope-eroding sediment flows
LF Pratson, BJ Coakley
Geological Society of America Bulletin 108 (2), 225-234, 1996
Ice shelves in the Pleistocene Arctic Ocean inferred from glaciogenic deep-sea bedforms
L Polyak, MH Edwards, BJ Coakley, M Jakobsson
Nature 410 (6827), 453-457, 2001
The international bathymetric chart of the Arctic Ocean version 4.0
M Jakobsson, LA Mayer, C Bringensparr, CF Castro, R Mohammad, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 176, 2020
The role of the sediment load in sequence stratigraphy: The influence of flexural isostasy and compaction
DJ Reynolds, MS Steckler, BJ Coakley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 96 (B4), 6931-6949, 1991
The Gakkel Ridge: Bathymetry, gravity anomalies, and crustal accretion at extremely slow spreading rates
JR Cochran, GJ Kurras, MH Edwards, BJ Coakley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B2), 2003
Structure of the Dead Sea pull‐apart basin from gravity analyses
US Ten Brink, Z Ben‐Avraham, RE Bell, M Hassouneh, DF Coleman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 98 (B12), 21877-21894, 1993
Arctic lithosphere—A review
V Pease, S Drachev, R Stephenson, X Zhang
Tectonophysics 628, 1-25, 2014
Evidence of recent volcanic activity on the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel ridge
MH Edwards, GJ Kurras, M Tolstoy, DR Bohnenstiehl, BJ Coakley, ...
Nature 409 (6822), 808-812, 2001
Modelling passive margin sequence stratigraphy
MS Steckler, DJ Reynolds, BJ Coakley, BA Swift, R Jarrard
Sequence stratigraphy and facies associations, 19-41, 1993
Glacial geomorphology of the central Arctic Ocean: the Chukchi Borderland and the Lomonosov Ridge
M Jakobsson, L Polyak, M Edwards, J Kleman, B Coakley
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2008
The nature of the acoustic basement on Mendeleev and northwestern Alpha ridges, Arctic Ocean
V Bruvoll, Y Kristoffersen, BJ Coakley, JR Hopper, S Planke, A Kandilarov
Tectonophysics 514, 123-145, 2012
Gravity evidence of very thin crust at the Gakkel Ridge (Arctic Ocean)
BJ Coakley, JR Cochran
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 162 (1-4), 81-95, 1998
New gravity field for the Arctic
S Kenyon, R Forsberg, B Coakley
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 89 (32), 289-290, 2008
Morphology and structure of the Lomonosov ridge, Arctic Ocean
JR Cochran, MH Edwards, BJ Coakley
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (5), 2006
Seabed erosion on the Lomonosov Ridge, central Arctic Ocean: a tale of deep draft icebergs in the Eurasia Basin and the influence of Atlantic water inflow on iceberg motion?
Y Kristoffersen, B Coakley, W Jokat, M Edwards, H Brekke, J Gjengedal
Paleoceanography 19 (3), 2004
Bathymetry and deep-water exchange across the central Lomonosov Ridge at 88–89 N
G Björk, M Jakobsson, B Rudels, JH Swift, L Anderson, DA Darby, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 54 (8), 1197-1208, 2007
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Articles 1–20