Rosana Tristao
Rosana Tristao
University of Brasilia, Faculty of Medicine; Former Post-Doc at Department of Paediatrics of
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Burnout e suporte organizacional em profissionais de UTI-Neonatal
PR de Oliveira, RM Tristão, ER Neiva
Edu Pro: C e 2006, 1, 2006
Hyper-responsiveness to acute stress, emotional problems and poorer memory in former preterm children
WOT Quesada AA1, Tristão RM, Pratesi R
Stress 17 (5), 389-99, 2014
Heart rate, oxygen saturation, and skin conductance: a comparison study of acute pain in Brazilian newborns
JAL de Jesus, RM Tristao, H Storm, AF da Rocha, D Campos
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Sleep deprivation, pain and prematurity: a review study
KCSC Bonan, JC Pimentel Filho, RM Tristão, JAL Jesus, D Campos
Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 73 (2), 147-154, 2015
Music and Cognition
PLM Pederiva, RM Tristão
Ciências e Cognição/Science and Cognition 9, 2006
Language in Down syndrome
RM Tristão, MA Guimarães Feitosa
Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa 14 (2), 127-137, 2012
Aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores associados a sua interrupção precoce: estudo comparativo entre 1999 e 2008
VLVA Bezerra, AL Nisiyama, AL Jorge, RM Cardoso, EF Silva, RM Tristão
Revista Paulista de Pediatria 30, 173-179, 2012
Speech perception in infants at the first year of life
R Tristão, MAG Feitosa
Estudos de Psicologia 8 (3), 459-467, 2003
Validation of the scale of perceived self-efficacy of maternal parenting in Brazilian sample
EAM Rosana Maria Tristão, Elaine Rabelo Neiva, Christopher R Barnes
Journal of Human Growth and Development 25 (3), 277-286, 2015
Auditory processing disorder evaluations and cognitive profiles of children with specific learning disorder
P Cunha, IM de Castro Silva, ER Neiva, RM Tristão
Clinical neurophysiology practice 4, 119-127, 2019
Psychophysical parameters of a multidimensional pain scale in newborns
MVM De Oliveira, JAL De Jesus, RM Tristao
Physiological measurement 33 (1), 39, 2011
COMFORT behaviour scale and skin conductance activity: what are they really measuring?
RM Tristao, NVM Garcia, JAL de Jesus, C Tomaz
Acta Paediatrica 102 (9), e402-e406, 2013
Validação da escala percepção de autoeficácia da parentalidade materna em amostra brasileira
RM Tristão, ER Neiva, CR Barnes, E Adamson-Macedo
Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum, 277-286, 2015
Pregnancy outcomes and child development effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PROUDEST trial): Protocol for a multicenter, prospective cohort study
GM Fernandes, F Motta, LMP Sasaki, ÂP Da Silva, AM Miranda, ...
JMIR research protocols 10 (4), e26477, 2021
Skin conductance and behavioral pain scales in newborn infants.
JAL de Jesus, D Campos Júnior, H Storm, AF da Rocha, RM Tristão
Psychology & Neuroscience 8 (2), 203, 2015
Educação infantil: saberes e práticas da inclusão: dificuldades acentuadas de aprendizagem ou limitações no processo de desenvolvimento
Universidade de Brasília/UnB–MEC/SEESP, Brasília: MEC, Secretaria de …, 2006
Use of the visual habituation paradigm to investigate speech perception in Down Syndrome infants
RM Tristão, MAG Feitosa
Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics …, 2002
Influência das desordens de processamento auditivo na avaliação neuropsicológica de pessoas com dificuldade de aprendizagem
PAC Vieira
Olfactory sensory and perceptual evaluation in newborn infants: A systematic review
RM Tristão, L Lauand, KSF Costa, LA Brant, GM Fernandes, KN Costa, ...
Developmental Psychobiology 63 (7), e22201, 2021
Adaptation and validation of the EVENDOL scale to assess pain in neonates in Portuguese language
RM Tristão, LR Vilela, LA Marques, ER Neiva, KN Costa, JAL de Jesus, ...
Early Human Development 152, 105285, 2021
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Articles 1–20