Anders Enjin
Anders Enjin
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OLM interneurons differentially modulate CA3 and entorhinal inputs to hippocampal CA1 neurons
RN Leão, S Mikulovic, KE Leão, H Munguba, H Gezelius, A Enjin, K Patra, ...
Nature neuroscience 15 (11), 1524-1530, 2012
Humidity sensing in Drosophila
A Enjin, EE Zaharieva, DD Frank, S Mansourian, GSB Suh, M Gallio, ...
Current Biology 26 (10), 1352-1358, 2016
Vesicular glutamate transporter 2 is required for central respiratory rhythm generation but not for locomotor central pattern generation
Å Wallén-Mackenzie, H Gezelius, M Thoby-Brisson, A Nygård, A Enjin, ...
Journal of neuroscience 26 (47), 12294-12307, 2006
EphA4-dependent axon guidance is mediated by the RacGAP α2-chimaerin
H Wegmeyer, J Egea, N Rabe, H Gezelius, A Filosa, A Enjin, ...
Neuron 55 (5), 756-767, 2007
Identification of novel spinal cholinergic genetic subtypes disclose Chodl and Pitx2 as markers for fast motor neurons and partition cells
A Enjin, N Rabe, ST Nakanishi, A Vallstedt, H Gezelius, F Memic, M Lind, ...
Journal of Comparative Neurology 518 (12), 2284-2304, 2010
Early integration of temperature and humidity stimuli in the Drosophila brain
DD Frank, A Enjin, GC Jouandet, EE Zaharieva, A Para, MC Stensmyr, ...
Current Biology 27 (15), 2381-2388. e4, 2017
Wild African Drosophila melanogaster are seasonal specialists on marula fruit
S Mansourian, A Enjin, EV Jirle, V Ramesh, G Rehermann, PG Becher, ...
Current Biology 28 (24), 3960-3968. e3, 2018
Fecal-derived phenol induces egg-laying aversion in Drosophila
S Mansourian, J Corcoran, A Enjin, C Löfstedt, M Dacke, MC Stensmyr
Current Biology 26 (20), 2762-2769, 2016
Alterations in the motor neuron–renshaw cell circuit in the Sod1G93A mouse model
H Wootz, E FitzSimons‐Kantamneni, M Larhammar, TM Rotterman, ...
Journal of Comparative Neurology 521 (7), 1449-1469, 2013
Humidity sensing in insects—from ecology to neural processing
A Enjin
Current opinion in insect science 24, 1-6, 2017
Sensorimotor function is modulated by the serotonin receptor 1d, a novel marker for gamma motor neurons
A Enjin, KE Leão, S Mikulovic, P Le Merre, WG Tourtellotte, K Kullander
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 49 (3), 322-332, 2012
Reduced VGLUT2 expression increases motor neuron viability in Sod1G93A mice
H Wootz, A Enjin, Å Wallén-Mackenzie, D Lindholm, K Kullander
Neurobiology of Disease 37 (1), 58-66, 2010
Neural mechanisms of alarm pheromone signaling
A Enjin, GSB Suh
Molecules and cells 35 (3), 177-181, 2013
Role of glutamate in locomotor rhythm generating neuronal circuitry
H Gezelius, Å Wallén-Mackenzie, A Enjin, M Lagerström, K Kullander
Journal of Physiology-Paris 100 (5-6), 297-303, 2006
Developmental disruption of recurrent inhibitory feedback results in compensatory adaptation in the Renshaw cell–motor neuron circuit
A Enjin, S Perry, MM Hilscher, C Nagaraja, M Larhammar, H Gezelius, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (23), 5634-5647, 2017
Genetic atlas of hygro-and thermosensory cells in the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster
K Corthals, V Andersson, A Churcher, J Reimegård, A Enjin
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 15202, 2023
Neural Control of Movement: Motor Neuron Subtypes, Proprioception and Recurrent Inhibition
A Enjin
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2011
A dynamic humidity arena to explore humidity-related behaviours in insects
G Giri, N Nagloo, A Enjin
Journal of Experimental Biology 227 (21), 2024
Development of spinal motor circuits in the absence of VIAAT-mediated Renshaw cell signaling
A Enjin, KE Leão, A Eriksson, M Larhammar, H Gezelius, ...
Humidity-dependent structural adaptations of Drosophila melanogaster hygrosensilla
A Enjin, G Giri
bioRxiv, 2024.11. 19.624428, 2024
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Articles 1–20