Shawn Fraver
Shawn Fraver
Associate Professor, Forest Ecology, University of Maine
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na maine.edu
Effects of thinning on drought vulnerability and climate response in north temperate forest ecosystems
AW D'Amato, JB Bradford, S Fraver, BJ Palik
Ecological applications 23 (8), 1735-1742, 2013
Forest management for mitigation and adaptation to climate change: Insights from long-term silviculture experiments
AW D’Amato, JB Bradford, S Fraver, BJ Palik
Forest Ecology and Management 262 (5), 803-816, 2011
Vegetation responses along edge‐to‐interior gradients in the mixed hardwood forests of the Roanoke River Basin, North Carolina
S Fraver
Conservation Biology 8 (3), 822-832, 1994
Density‐dependent vulnerability of forest ecosystems to drought
A Bottero, AW D'Amato, BJ Palik, JB Bradford, S Fraver, MA Battaglia, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (6), 1605-1614, 2017
Patterns and drivers of recent disturbances across the temperate forest biome
A Sommerfeld, C Senf, B Buma, AW D’Amato, T Després, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4355, 2018
Quantifying carbon stores and decomposition in dead wood: A review
MB Russell, S Fraver, T Aakala, JH Gove, CW Woodall, AW D’Amato, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 350, 107-128, 2015
Drought timing and local climate determine the sensitivity of eastern temperate forests to drought
L D'Orangeville, J Maxwell, D Kneeshaw, N Pederson, L Duchesne, ...
Global change biology 24 (6), 2339-2351, 2018
Dynamics of coarse woody debris following gap harvesting in the Acadian forest of central Maine, USA
S Fraver, RG Wagner, M Day
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32 (12), 2094-2105, 2002
Natural development and regeneration of a Central European montane spruce forest
M Svoboda, S Fraver, P Janda, R Bače, J Zenáhlíková
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (5), 707-714, 2010
Identifying growth releases in dendrochronological studies of forest disturbance
S Fraver, AS White
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (7), 1648-1656, 2005
Layer stacking: A novel algorithm for individual forest tree segmentation from LiDAR point clouds
E Ayrey, S Fraver, JA Kershaw Jr, LS Kenefic, D Hayes, AR Weiskittel, ...
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 43 (1), 16-27, 2017
Disturbance history of an old‐growth sub‐alpine Picea abies stand in the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
M Svoboda, P Janda, TA Nagel, S Fraver, J Rejzek, R Bače
Journal of vegetation science 23 (1), 86-97, 2012
Competition amplifies drought stress in forests across broad climatic and compositional gradients
KE Gleason, JB Bradford, A Bottero, AW D'Amato, S Fraver, BJ Palik, ...
Ecosphere 8 (7), e01849, 2017
Residence times and decay rates of downed woody debris biomass/carbon in eastern US forests
MB Russell, CW Woodall, S Fraver, AW D’Amato, GM Domke, KE Skog
Ecosystems 17, 765-777, 2014
Natural disturbance in an old‐growth landscape of northern Maine, USA
S Fraver, AS White, RS Seymour
Journal of ecology 97 (2), 289-298, 2009
Refining volume estimates of down woody debris
S Fraver, A Ringvall, BG Jonsson
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37 (3), 627-633, 2007
Eighteen years of tree mortality and structural change in an experimentally fragmented Norway spruce forest
MT Jönsson, S Fraver, BG Jonsson, M Dynesius, M Rydgård, PA Esseen
Forest Ecology and Management 242 (2-3), 306-313, 2007
Tree growth and competition in an old‐growth Picea abies forest of boreal Sweden: influence of tree spatial patterning
S Fraver, AW D'Amato, JB Bradford, BG Jonsson, M Jönsson, PA Esseen
Journal of vegetation science 25 (2), 374-385, 2014
Landscape‐level variability in historical disturbance in primary Picea abies mountain forests of the Eastern Carpathians, Romania
M Svoboda, P Janda, R Bače, S Fraver, TA Nagel, J Rejzek, M Mikoláš, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 25 (2), 386-401, 2014
Salvage logging effects on regulating and supporting ecosystem services—A systematic map
AB Leverkus, JM Rey Benayas, J Castro, D Boucher, S Brewer, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48 (9), 983-1000, 2018
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