Syamsul Rizal
Syamsul Rizal
Neznano partnerstvo
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na unsyiah.ac.id
General circulation in the Malacca Strait and Andaman Sea: A numerical model study.
S Rizal, P Damm, MA Wahid, J Sündermann, Y Ilhamsyah, T Iskandar, ...
Pembuatan media pembelajaran E-learning berbasis moodle pada matakuliah pengantar aplikasi komputer Universitas Serambi Mekkah
S Rizal, B Walidain
Jurnal Ilmiah DIDAKTIKA 19 (2), 178-192, 2019
Penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan disposisi matematis siswa
H Husnidar, M Ikhsan, S Rizal
Jurnal Didaktik Matematika 1 (1), 2014
Currents simulation in the Malacca Straits by using three-dimensional numerical model
S Rizal, I Setiawan, T Iskandar, Y Ilhamsyah, MA Wahid, M Musman
Sains Malaysiana 39 (4), 519-524, 2010
Perbankan Komputer: Teori dan Praktikum
S Rizal, M Wali
Deepublish, 2018
What is driving the ITF? An illumination of the Indonesian throughflow with a numerical nested model system
B Mayer, PE Damm, T Pohlmann, S Rizal
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 50 (2), 301-312, 2010
Pengaruh Kepuasan Nasabah Terhadap Menggunakan Mobile Banking (M-Banking) Pada Bank BCA Cabang Banda Aceh
S Rizal, M Munawir
Jurnal Emt Kita 1 (2), 68-78, 2017
The role of non-linear terms in the shallow water equation with the application in three-dimensional tidal model of the Malacca Strait and Taylor's Problem in low geographical …
S Rizal
Continental Shelf Research 20 (15), 1965-1991, 2000
Rapid assessment of community needs and fisheries status in tsunami-affected communities in Aceh Province, Indonesia
LR Garces, MD Pido, RS Pomeroy, S Koeshendrajana, BI Prisantoso, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 53 (2), 69-79, 2010
Pengenalan Karakteristik Bencana dan Upaya Mitigasinya di Indonesia
P Harjadi, MA Ratag, D Karnawati, S Rizal, S Surono, SH Triwibowo, ...
Jakarta: Direktorat Mitigasi, 2007
Study of current circulation in the Northern Waters of Aceh
I Setiawan, S Rizal, Y Haditiar, Y Ilhamsyah, S Purnawan, M Irham, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 176 (1), 012016, 2018
The effect of leadership, compensation and competency on employee performance
S Sarboini, S Rizal, J Surya, Z Yusuf
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun 6 (2), 215-234, 2018
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman dan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas melalui Model Pembelajaran Generatif
M Martunis, M Ikhsan, S Rizal
Jurnal Didaktik Matematika 1 (2), 2014
Taylor's problem—influences on the spatial distribution of real and virtual amphidromes
S Rizal
Continental Shelf Research 22 (15), 2147-2158, 2002
On the M2-tide of the Malacca Strait: A numerical investigation
S Rizal, J Sündermann
Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift 46 (1), 61-80, 1994
Application of Rapid Appraisals of Fisheries Management System (RAFMS) to identify the seasonal variation of fishing ground locations and its corresponding fish species …
HA Haridhi, M Nanda, Y Haditiar, S Rizal
Ocean & coastal management 154, 46-54, 2018
Numerical study of tides in the Malacca Strait with a 3-D model
Y Haditiar, MR Putri, N Ismail, ZA Muchlisin, M Ikhwan, S Rizal
Heliyon 6 (9), 2020
Pengembangan modul berbasis phet untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dan motivasi belajar siswa pada materi pembiasan cahaya
R Nafaida, A Halim, S Rizal
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education …, 2015
An analysis on English teacher strategies in teaching reading comprehension
YA Saputri, S Rizal, ZL Afriani
Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature …, 2021
Preliminary study of the sea surface temperature (SST) at fishing ground locations based on the net deployment of traditional purse-seine boats in the northern waters of Aceh …
HA Haridhi, M Nanda, CR Wilson, S Rizal
Regional studies in marine science 8, 114-121, 2016
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