Thierry Pun
Thierry Pun
Professor of Computer Science, Univ of Geneva, Switzerland
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Cited by
Deap: A database for emotion analysis; using physiological signals
S Koelstra, C Muhl, M Soleymani, JS Lee, A Yazdani, T Ebrahimi, T Pun, ...
IEEE transactions on affective computing 3 (1), 18-31, 2011
Rotation, scale and translation invariant spread spectrum digital image watermarking
JJKŌ Ruanaidh, T Pun
Signal processing 66 (3), 303-317, 1998
A multimodal database for affect recognition and implicit tagging
M Soleymani, J Lichtenauer, T Pun, M Pantic
IEEE transactions on affective computing 3 (1), 42-55, 2011
A new method for grey-level picture thresholding using the entropy of the histogram
T Pun
Signal processing 2 (3), 223-237, 1980
Multimodal emotion recognition in response to videos
M Soleymani, M Pantic, T Pun
IEEE transactions on affective computing 3 (2), 211-223, 2011
Robust template matching for affine resistant image watermarks
S Pereira, T Pun
IEEE transactions on image Processing 9 (6), 1123-1129, 2000
Entropic thresholding, a new approach
T Pun
Computer graphics and image processing 16 (3), 210-239, 1981
Performance evaluation in content-based image retrieval: overview and proposals
H Müller, W Müller, DMG Squire, S Marchand-Maillet, T Pun
Pattern recognition letters 22 (5), 593-601, 2001
Emotion assessment from physiological signals for adaptation of game difficulty
G Chanel, C Rebetez, M Bétrancourt, T Pun
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2011
Emotion assessment: Arousal evaluation using EEG’s and peripheral physiological signals
G Chanel, J Kronegg, D Grandjean, T Pun
International workshop on multimedia content representation, classification …, 2006
Attacks on digital watermarks: classification, estimation based attacks, and benchmarks
S Voloshynovskiy, S Pereira, T Pun, JJ Eggers, JK Su
IEEE communications Magazine 39 (8), 118-126, 2001
A stochastic approach to content adaptive digital image watermarking
S Voloshynovskiy, A Herrigel, N Baumgaertner, T Pun
International workshop on information hiding, 211-236, 1999
Attack modelling: towards a second generation watermarking benchmark
S Voloshynovskiy, S Pereira, V Iquise, T Pun
Signal processing 81 (6), 1177-1214, 2001
Short-term emotion assessment in a recall paradigm
G Chanel, JJM Kierkels, M Soleymani, T Pun
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 67 (8), 607-627, 2009
Boredom, engagement and anxiety as indicators for adaptation to difficulty in games
G Chanel, C Rebetez, M Bétrancourt, T Pun
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Entertainment and media …, 2008
Template based recovery of Fourier-based watermarks using log-polar and log-log maps
S Pereira, JJKO Ruanaidh, F Deguillaume, G Csurka, T Pun
Proceedings IEEE international conference on multimedia computing and …, 1999
Second generation benchmarking and application oriented evaluation
S Pereira, S Voloshynovskiy, M Madueņo, S Marchand-Maillet, T Pun
Information Hiding: 4th International Workshop, IH 2001 Pittsburgh, PA, USA …, 2001
Single trial classification of EEG and peripheral physiological signals for recognition of emotions induced by music videos
S Koelstra, A Yazdani, M Soleymani, C Mühl, JS Lee, A Nijholt, T Pun, ...
Brain Informatics: International Conference, BI 2010, Toronto, ON, Canada …, 2010
The truth about corel-evaluation in image retrieval
H Müller, S Marchand-Maillet, T Pun
Image and Video Retrieval: International Conference, CIVR 2002 London, UK …, 2002
Robust 3D DFT video watermarking
F Deguillaume, G Csurka, JJK O'Ruanaidh, T Pun
Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 3657, 113-124, 1999
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Articles 1–20