Paweł Budzianowski
Paweł Budzianowski
K-Scale Labs, Warsaw University
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Cited by
MultiWOZ-A Large-Scale Multi-Domain Wizard-of-Oz Dataset for Task-Oriented Dialogue Modelling
P Budzianowski, TH Wen, BH Tseng, I Casanueva, S Ultes, O Ramadan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.00278, 2018
Hello, It's GPT-2--How Can I Help You? Towards the Use of Pretrained Language Models for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems
P Budzianowski, I Vulić
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.05774, 2019
Pydial: A multi-domain statistical dialogue system toolkit
S Ultes, LMR Barahona, PH Su, D Vandyke, D Kim, I Casanueva, ...
Proceedings of ACL 2017, System Demonstrations, 73-78, 2017
Large-Scale Multi-Domain Belief Tracking with Knowledge Sharing
O Ramadan, P Budzianowski, M Gašić
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2018
Sample-efficient Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning with Supervised Data for Dialogue Management
PH Su, P Budzianowski, S Ultes, M Gasic, S Young
Proceedings of the 18th SIGDIAL, 147-157, 2017
Training Neural Response Selection for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems
M Henderson, I Vulić, D Gerz, I Casanueva, P Budzianowski, S Coope, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01543, 2019
A Repository of Conversational Datasets
M Henderson, P Budzianowski, I Casanueva, S Coope, D Gerz, G Kumar, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.06472, 2019
Sample efficient deep reinforcement learning for dialogue systems with large action spaces
G Weisz, P Budzianowski, PH Su, M Gašić
IEEE Transaction on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2018, 2018
Neural User Simulation for Corpus-based Policy Optimisation for Spoken Dialogue Systems
F Kreyssig, I Casanueva, P Budzianowski, M Gasic
Proceedings of the 19th SIGDIAL, 2018
Sub-domain Modelling for Dialogue Management with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
P Budzianowski, S Ultes, PH Su, N Mrksic, TH Wen, I Casanueva, ...
Proceedings of the 18th SIGDIAL, 86-92, 2017
Feudal Reinforcement Learning for Dialogue Management in Large Domains
I Casanueva, P Budzianowski, PH Su, S Ultes, L Rojas-Barahona, ...
NAACL 2018, 2018
A Benchmarking Environment for Reinforcement Learning Based Task Oriented Dialogue Management
I Casanueva, P Budzianowski, PH Su, N Mrkšić, TH Wen, S Ultes, ...
Deep Reinforcement Learning Symposium, 31st Conference on Neural Information …, 2017
Predictors of atrial fibrillation early recurrence following cryoballoon ablation of pulmonary veins using statistical assessment and machine learning algorithms
J Budzianowski, J Hiczkiewicz, P Burchardt, K Pieszko, J Rzeźniczak, ...
Heart and vessels 34, 352-359, 2019
Predicting long‐term mortality after acute coronary syndrome using machine learning techniques and hematological markers
K Pieszko, J Hiczkiewicz, P Budzianowski, J Budzianowski, J Rzeźniczak, ...
Disease markers 2019 (1), 9056402, 2019
Domain-independent user satisfaction reward estimation for dialogue policy learning
S Ultes, P Budzianowski, I Casanueva, N Mrkšic, L Rojas-Barahona, ...
Proceedings of Interspeech, 1721-1725, 2017
ConvFiT: Conversational Fine-Tuning of Pretrained Language Models
I Vulić, PH Su, S Coope, D Gerz, P Budzianowski, I Casanueva, N Mrkšić, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.10126, 2021
NLU++: A Multi-Label, Slot-Rich, Generalisable Dataset for Natural Language Understanding in Task-Oriented Dialogue
I Casanueva, I Vulić, G Spithourakis, P Budzianowski
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.13021, 2022
Machine-learned models using hematological inflammation markers in the prediction of short-term acute coronary syndrome outcomes
K Pieszko, J Hiczkiewicz, P Budzianowski, J Rzeźniczak, J Budzianowski, ...
Journal of Translational Medicine 16, 1-12, 2018
Towards end-to-end multi-domain dialogue modelling
P Budzianowski, I Casanueva, BH Tseng, M Gasic
PolyResponse: A Rank-based Approach to Task-Oriented Dialogue with Application in Restaurant Search and Booking
M Henderson, I Vulić, I Casanueva, P Budzianowski, D Gerz, S Coope, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.01296, 2019
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Articles 1–20