Sofia Consuegra
Sofia Consuegra
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A critical review of adaptive genetic variation in Atlantic salmon: implications for conservation
C Garcia de Leaniz, IA Fleming, S Einum, E Verspoor, WC Jordan, ...
Biological reviews 82 (2), 173-211, 2007
More than one million barriers fragment Europe’s rivers
B Belletti, C Garcia de Leaniz, J Jones, S Bizzi, L Börger, G Segura, ...
Nature 588 (7838), 436-441, 2020
Interpopulation variation in the Atlantic salmon microbiome reflects environmental and genetic diversity
TM Uren Webster, S Consuegra, M Hitchings, C Garcia de Leaniz
Applied and environmental microbiology 84 (16), e00691-18, 2018
MHC-mediated mate choice increases parasite resistance in salmon
S Consuegra, C Garcia de Leaniz
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1641), 1397-1403, 2008
Population structure in the Atlantic salmon: insights from 40 years of research into genetic protein variation
E Verspoor, JA Beardmore, S Consuegra, C Garcia de Leaniz, K Hindar, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 67, 3-54, 2005
Mitochondrial DNA variation in Pleistocene and modern Atlantic salmon from the Iberian glacial refugium
S Consuegra, C García de Leániz, A Serdio, M González Morales, ...
Molecular ecology 11 (10), 2037-2048, 2002
Microsatellite standardization and evaluation of genotyping error in a large multi-partner research programme for conservation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
JS Ellis, J Gilbey, A Armstrong, T Balstad, E Cauwelier, C Cherbonnel, ...
Genetica 139, 353-367, 2011
Asymmetric gene flow and the evolutionary maintenance of genetic diversity in small, peripheral Atlantic salmon populations
S Consuegra, E Verspoor, D Knox, C García de Leániz
Conservation Genetics 6, 823-842, 2005
Patterns of natural selection acting on the mitochondrial genome of a locally adapted fish species
S Consuegra, E John, E Verspoor, CG de Leaniz
Genetics Selection Evolution 47, 1-10, 2015
A comprehensive assessment of stream fragmentation in Great Britain
J Jones, L Börger, J Tummers, P Jones, M Lucas, J Kerr, P Kemp, S Bizzi, ...
Science of the total environment 673, 756-762, 2019
Winning the invasion roulette: Escapes from fish farms increase admixture and facilitate establishment of non‐native rainbow trout
S Consuegra, N Phillips, G Gajardo, CG de Leaniz
Evolutionary applications 4 (5), 660-671, 2011
From best to pest: changing perspectives on the impact of exotic salmonids in the southern hemisphere
CG De Leaniz, G Gajardo, S Consuegra
Systematics and Biodiversity 8 (4), 447-459, 2010
Selective exploitation of early running fish may induce genetic and phenotypic changes in Atlantic salmon
S Consuegra, CG De Leaniz, A Serdio, E Verspoor
Journal of Fish Biology 67, 129-145, 2005
Cortisol-related signatures of stress in the fish microbiome
TM Uren Webster, D Rodriguez-Barreto, S Consuegra, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 1621, 2020
Environmental plasticity and colonisation history in the Atlantic salmon microbiome: a translocation experiment
TM Uren Webster, D Rodriguez‐Barreto, G Castaldo, P Gough, ...
Molecular ecology 29 (5), 886-898, 2020
Contrasting effects of acute and chronic stress on the transcriptome, epigenome, and immune response of Atlantic salmon
TM Uren Webster, D Rodriguez-Barreto, SAM Martin, C Van Oosterhout, ...
Epigenetics 13 (12), 1191-1207, 2018
Impacts of artificial barriers on the connectivity and dispersal of vascular macrophytes in rivers: A critical review
PE Jones, S Consuegra, L Börger, J Jones, C Garcia de Leaniz
Freshwater Biology, 2020
Best of both worlds? Association between outcrossing and parasite loads in a selfing fish
A Ellison, J Cable, S Consuegra
Evolution 65 (10), 3021-3026, 2011
Natural selection acts on Atlantic salmon major histocompatibility (MH) variability in the wild
E De Eyto, P McGinnity, S Consuegra, J Coughlan, J Tufto, K Farrell, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1611), 861-869, 2007
DNA methylation changes in the sperm of captive-reared fish: a route to epigenetic introgression in wild populations
D Rodriguez Barreto, C Garcia de Leaniz, E Verspoor, H Sobolewska, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 36 (10), 2205-2211, 2019
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