Joseph Levy
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Cited by
Thermal contraction crack polygons on Mars: Classification, distribution, and climate implications from HiRISE observations
J Levy, J Head, D Marchant
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 114 (E1), 2009
SHARAD detection and characterization of subsurface water ice deposits in Utopia Planitia, Mars
CM Stuurman, GR Osinski, JW Holt, JS Levy, TC Brothers, M Kerrigan, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (18), 9484-9491, 2016
Thermal contraction crack polygons on Mars: A synthesis from HiRISE, Phoenix, and terrestrial analog studies
JS Levy, DR Marchant, JW Head
Icarus 206 (1), 229-252, 2010
Water tracks and permafrost in Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Extensive and shallow groundwater connectivity in a cold desert ecosystem
JS Levy, AG Fountain, MN Gooseff, KA Welch, WB Lyons
Bulletin 123 (11-12), 2295-2311, 2011
How big are the McMurdo Dry Valleys? Estimating ice-free area using Landsat image data
J Levy
Antarctic Science 25 (1), 119-120, 2013
The McMurdo Dry Valleys: a landscape on the threshold of change
AG Fountain, JS Levy, MN Gooseff, D Van Horn
Geomorphology 225, 25-35, 2014
Concentric crater fill in the northern mid-latitudes of Mars: Formation processes and relationships to similar landforms of glacial origin
J Levy, JW Head, DR Marchant
Icarus 209 (2), 390-404, 2010
Sequestered glacial ice contribution to the global Martian water budget: Geometric constraints on the volume of remnant, midlatitude debris‐covered glaciers
JS Levy, CI Fassett, JW Head, C Schwartz, JL Watters
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 119 (10), 2188-2196, 2014
Concentric crater fill in Utopia Planitia: History and interaction between glacial “brain terrain” and periglacial mantle processes
JS Levy, JW Head, DR Marchant
Icarus 202 (2), 462-476, 2009
Don Juan Pond, Antarctica: Near-surface CaCl2-brine feeding Earth's most saline lake and implications for Mars
JL Dickson, JW Head, JS Levy, DR Marchant
Scientific Reports 3 (1), 1166, 2013
Supraglacial and proglacial valleys on Amazonian Mars
CI Fassett, JL Dickson, JW Head, JS Levy, DR Marchant
Icarus 208 (1), 86-100, 2010
Hydrological characteristics of recurrent slope lineae on Mars: Evidence for liquid flow through regolith and comparisons with Antarctic terrestrial analogs
J Levy
Icarus 219 (1), 1-4, 2012
Lineated valley fill and lobate debris apron stratigraphy in Nilosyrtis Mensae, Mars: Evidence for phases of glacial modification of the dichotomy boundary
JS Levy, JW Head, DR Marchant
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 112 (E8), 2007
Quantifying low rates of summertime sublimation for buried glacier ice in Beacon Valley, Antarctica
DE Kowalewski, DR Marchant, JS Levy, JW Head
Antarctic Science 18 (3), 421-428, 2006
Geologically recent gully–polygon relationships on Mars: Insights from the Antarctic Dry Valleys on the roles of permafrost, microclimates, and water sources for surface flow
JS Levy, JW Head, DR Marchant, JL Dickson, GA Morgan
Icarus 201 (1), 113-126, 2009
The role of thermal contraction crack polygons in cold-desert fluvial systems
JS Levy, JW Head, DR Marchant
Antarctic Science 20 (6), 565-579, 2008
Modern Mars' geomorphological activity, driven by wind, frost, and gravity
S Diniega, AM Bramson, B Buratti, P Buhler, DM Burr, M Chojnacki, ...
Geomorphology 380, 107627, 2021
Hypersaline “wet patches” in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
JS Levy, AG Fountain, KA Welch, WB Lyons
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (5), 2012
High ice purity of Martian lobate debris aprons at the regional scale: evidence from an orbital radar sounding survey in Deuteronilus and Protonilus Mensae
EI Petersen, JW Holt, JS Levy
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (21), 11,595-11,604, 2018
Shallow groundwater systems in a polar desert, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
MN Gooseff, JE Barrett, JS Levy
Hydrogeology Journal 1 (21), 171-183, 2013
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Articles 1–20