Eduardo J S Villaseñor
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Cited by
Black hole state counting in loop quantum gravity: a number-theoretical approach
I Agullo, F Barbero, J Díaz-Polo, E Fernández-Borja, EJS Villaseñor
Physical Review Letters 100 (21), 211301, 2008
Detailed black hole state counting in loop quantum gravity
I Agullo, F Barbero, EF Borja, J Diaz-Polo, EJS Villaseñor
Physical Review D 82 (8), 084029, 2010
Combinatorics of the SU(2) black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity
I Agulló, F Barbero, EF Borja, J Díaz-Polo, EJS Villaseñor
Physical Review D 80 (8), 084006, 2009
Geometric formulation of the covariant phase space methods with boundaries
J Margalef-Bentabol, EJS Villaseñor
Physical Review D 103 (2), 025011, 2021
The time-dependent quantum harmonic oscillator revisited: Applications to quantum field theory
DG Vergel, EJS Villaseñor
Annals of Physics 324 (6), 1360-1385, 2009
Microcausality and quantum cylindrical gravitational waves
F Barbero, GAM Marugán, EJS Villaseñor
Physical Review D 67 (12), 124006, 2003
Quantum unitary evolution of linearly polarized S1xS2 and S3 Gowdy models coupled to massless scalar fields
F Barbero, DG Vergel, EJS Villaseñor
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25 (8), 085002, 2008
Flux-area operator and black hole entropy
F Barbero, J Lewandowski, EJS Villaseñor
Physical Review D 80 (4), 044016, 2009
On the computation of black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity
F Barbero, EJS Villaseñor
Classical and Quantum Gravity 26 (3), 035017, 2009
Hamiltonian treatment of linear field theories in the presence of boundaries: a geometric approach
F Barbero, J Prieto, EJS Villaseñor
Classical and Quantum Gravity 31 (4), 045021, 2014
Generating functions for black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity
F Barbero, EJS Villaseñor
Physical Review D 77 (12), 121502, 2008
Quantization of midisuperspace models.
F Barbero, EJS Villaseñor
Living Reviews in Relativity 13 (1), 6, 2010
Adiabatic expansions for Dirac fields, renormalization, and anomalies
F Barbero, A Ferreiro, J Navarro-Salas, EJS Villaseñor
Physical Review D 98 (2), 025016, 2018
Unitary evolution of free massless fields in de Sitter spacetime
DG Vergel, EJS Villasenor
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25 (14), 145008, 2008
Exact quantization of Einstein-Rosen waves coupled to massless scalar matter
F Barbero, I Garay, EJS Villaseñor
Physical Review Letters 95 (5), 051301, 2005
Gauge fixing in higher-derivative gravity
A Bartoli, J Julve, EJS Villaseñor
Classical and Quantum Gravity 16 (7), 2283, 1999
Dirac’s algorithm in the presence of boundaries: A practical guide to a geometric approach
B Díaz, J Margalef-Bentabol, EJS Villaseñor
Classical and Quantum Gravity 36 (20), 205014, 2019
Bivariate generating functions for a class of linear recurrences: General structure
F Barbero, J Salas, EJS Villaseñor
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 125, 146-165, 2014
Band structure in the polymer quantization of the harmonic oscillator
F Barbero, J Prieto, EJS Villaseñor
Classical and Quantum Gravity 30 (16), 165011, 2013
Statistical description of the black hole degeneracy spectrum
F Barbero, EJS Villaseñor
Physical Review D 83 (10), 104013, 2011
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Articles 1–20