Saleh Hamzehei-javaran
Saleh Hamzehei-javaran
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
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Special relativity search: A novel metaheuristic method based on special relativity physics
V Goodarzimehr, S Shojaee, S Hamzehei-Javaran, S Talatahari
Knowledge-Based Systems 257, 109484, 2022
A dual reciprocity BEM approach using new Fourier radial basis functions applied to 2D elastodynamic transient analysis
SH Javaran, N Khaji, H Moharrami
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 35 (1), 85-95, 2011
First kind Bessel function (J-Bessel) as radial basis function for plane dynamic analysis using dual reciprocity boundary element method
SH Javaran, N Khaji, A Noorzad
Acta mechanica 218 (3), 247-258, 2011
Dynamic analysis of plane elasticity with new complex Fourier radial basis functions in the dual reciprocity boundary element method
SH Javaran, N Khaji
Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (14), 3641-3651, 2014
New complex Fourier shape functions for the analysis of two-dimensional potential problems using boundary element method
N Khaji, SH Javaran
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 37 (2), 260-272, 2013
New insights into the β1/β2-Bathe time integration scheme when L-stable
MM Malakiyeh, S Shojaee, S Hamzehei-Javaran, KJ Bathe
Computers & Structures 245, 106433, 2021
Free vibration analysis of composite laminated beams with curvilinear fibers via refined theories
B Daraei, S Shojaee, S Hamzehei-Javaran
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 29 (6), 840-849, 2022
Special relativity search for applied mechanics and engineering
V Goodarzimehr, S Talatahari, S Shojaee, S Hamzehei-Javaran
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 403, 115734, 2023
Complex Fourier element shape functions for analysis of 2D static and transient dynamic problems using dual reciprocity boundary element method
S Hamzehei-Javaran, N Khaji
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 95, 222-237, 2018
The solution of elastostatic and dynamic problems using the boundary element method based on spherical Hankel element framework
S Hamzehei Javaran, S Shojaee
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 112 (13), 2067-2086, 2017
Development of a direct time integration method based on Bezier curve and 5th-order Bernstein basis function
MM Malakiyeh, S Shojaee, SH Javaran
Computers & Structures 194, 15-31, 2018
Structural design with dynamic constraints using weighted chaos game optimization
V Goodarzimehr, S Talatahari, S Shojaee, S Hamzehei-Javaran, P Sareh
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 9 (6), 2271-2296, 2022
Hybrid teaching–learning-based optimization for solving engineering and mathematical problems
M Dastan, S Shojaee, S Hamzehei-Javaran, V Goodarzimehr
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 44 …, 2022
A new insight into metaheuristic optimization method using a hybrid of PSO, GSA, and GWO
F Biabani, S Shojaee, S Hamzehei-Javaran
Structures 44, 1168-1189, 2022
A new finite strip formulation based on Carrera unified formulation for the free vibration analysis of composite laminates
B Daraei, S Shojaee, S Hamzehei-Javaran
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 29 (26), 4726-4737, 2022
A novel size-dependent finite strip based on Carrera unified formulation and micropolar theory for the free vibration analysis of microplates
B Daraei, S Shojaee, S Hamzehei-Javaran, E Carrera
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-13, 2024
Free vibration analysis of cross-ply laminated beam structures using refined beam theories and B-spline basis functions
S Ghazanfari, S Hamzehei-Javaran, A Alesadi, S Shojaee
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 28 (5), 467-475, 2021
The improvement of numerical modeling in the solution of incompressible viscous flow problems using finite element method based on spherical Hankel shape functions
S Farmani, M Ghaeini‐Hessaroeyeh, SH Javaran
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 87 (2), 70-89, 2018
Inverse multiquadric (IMQ) function as radial basis function for plane dynamic analysis using dual reciprocity boundary element method
SH Javaran, N Khaji
Tarbiat Modares University, 2012
New insight into viscoelastic finite element modeling of time-dependent material creep problems using spherical Hankel element framework
M Bahrampour, S Hamzeh Javaran, S Shojaee
International Journal of Applied Mechanics 10 (08), 1850085, 2018
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Articles 1–20