Jonathan Hui
Jonathan Hui
Google, Cisco Systems, UC Berkeley
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Cited by
Transmission of IPv6 Packets over IEEE 802.15. 4 Networks
G Montenegro
IETF, 2007
The dynamic behavior of a data dissemination protocol for network programming at scale
JW Hui, D Culler
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Embedded networked sensor …, 2004
Energy-efficient surveillance system using wireless sensor networks
T He, S Krishnamurthy, JA Stankovic, T Abdelzaher, L Luo, R Stoleru, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Mobile systems …, 2004
Compression format for IPv6 datagrams over IEEE 802.15. 4-based networks
J Hui, P Thubert
Vigilnet: An integrated sensor network system for energy-efficient surveillance
T He, S Krishnamurthy, L Luo, T Yan, L Gu, R Stoleru, G Zhou, Q Cao, ...
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 2 (1), 1-38, 2006
IP is dead, long live IP for wireless sensor networks
JW Hui, DE Culler
Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Embedded network sensor systems, 15-28, 2008
Trio: enabling sustainable and scalable outdoor wireless sensor network deployments
P Dutta, J Hui, J Jeong, S Kim, C Sharp, J Taneja, G Tolle, K Whitehouse, ...
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Information processing in …, 2006
A unifying link abstraction for wireless sensor networks
J Polastre, J Hui, P Levis, J Zhao, D Culler, S Shenker, I Stoica
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Embedded networked sensor …, 2005
Extending IP to low-power, wireless personal area networks
JW Hui, DE Culler
IEEE Internet Computing 12 (4), 37-45, 2008
Connecting low-power and lossy networks to the internet
JG Ko, A Terzis, S Dawson-Haggerty, DE Culler, JW Hui, P Levis
IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (4), 96-101, 2011
Securing the deluge network programming system
PK Dutta, JW Hui, DC Chu, DE Culler
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Information processing in …, 2006
RPL: The IP routing protocol designed for low power and lossy networks
JP Vasseur, N Agarwal, J Hui, Z Shelby, P Bertrand, C Chauvenet
Internet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance 36, 1-20, 2011
Marionette: using rpc for interactive development and debugging of wireless embedded networks
K Whitehouse, G Tolle, J Taneja, C Sharp, S Kim, J Jeong, J Hui, P Dutta, ...
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Information processing in …, 2006
6LoWPAN: Incorporating IEEE 802.15. 4 into the IP architecture
D Culler, S Chakrabarti
White paper, 2009
IPv6 in low-power wireless networks
JW Hui, DE Culler
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (11), 1865-1878, 2010
T2: A second generation os for embedded sensor networks
P Levis, D Gay, V Handziski, JH Hauer, B Greenstein, M Turon, J Hui, ...
Technical Report TKN-05-007, Telecommunication Networks Group, Technische …, 2005
Towards a Sensor Network Architecture: Lowering the Waistline.
DE Culler, P Dutta, CT Ee, R Fonseca, J Hui, PA Levis, J Polastre, ...
HotOS, 2005
Instrumenting wireless sensor networks for real-time surveillance
S Sastry, M Manzo, S Oh, P Chen
Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2006
The routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks (rpl) option for carrying rpl information in data-plane datagrams
J Hui, JP Vasseur
Sentry-based power management in wireless sensor networks
J Hui, Z Ren, BH Krogh
Information Processing in Sensor Networks: Second International Workshop …, 2003
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Articles 1–20