Charles Figuières
Charles Figuières
Aix-Marseille School of Economics at Aix-Marseille University
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Cited by
Homo socialis: An analytical core for sociological theory
H Gintis, D Helbing
Review of Behavioral Economics 2 (1-2), 1-59, 2015
Theory of conjectural variations
C Figuières
World Scientific, 2004
The determinants of households' flood mitigation decisions in France-on the possibility of feedback effects from past investments
C Richert, K Erdlenbruch, C Figuières
Ecological Economics 131, 342-352, 2017
A cost–benefit approach for prioritizing invasive species
P Courtois, C Figuieres, C Mulier, J Weill
Ecological Economics 146, 607-620, 2018
Relative performance of two simple incentive mechanisms in a public goods experiment
J Bracht, C Figuieres, M Ratto
Journal of Public Economics 92 (1-2), 54-90, 2008
Using money to motivate both ‘saints’ and ‘sinners’: A field experiment on motivational crowding‐out
A Beretti, C Figuieres, G Grolleau
Kyklos 66 (1), 63-77, 2013
Identifying consensus on coastal lagoons ecosystem services and conservation priorities for an effective decision making: AQ approach
MM Sy, H Rey-Valette, M Simier, V Pasqualini, C Figuières, R De Wit
Ecological Economics 154, 1-13, 2018
Behavioral innovations: The missing capital in sustainable development?
A Beretti, C Figuières, G Grolleau
Ecological Economics 89, 187-195, 2013
Vanishing leadership and declining reciprocity in a sequential contribution experiment
C Figuieres, D Masclet, M Willinger
Economic Inquiry 50 (3), 567-584, 2012
Sustainable exploitation of a natural resource: a satisfying use of Chichilnisky’s criterion
C Figuières, M Tidball
Economic Theory 49, 243-265, 2012
Weak moral motivation leads to the decline of voluntary contributions
C Figuieres, D Masclet, M Willinger
Journal of Public Economic Theory 15 (5), 745-772, 2013
Revenue sharing versus expenditure sharing in a federal system
C Figuieres, J Hindriks, GD Myles
International Tax and Public Finance 11, 155-174, 2004
Complementarity, substitutability and strategic accumulation of capital
C Figuieres
International Game Theory Review 4 (04), 371-390, 2002
Markov interactions in a class of dynamic games
C Figuières
Theory and decision 66 (1), 39-68, 2009
Public infrastructure, non‐cooperative investments, and endogenous growth
C Figuieres, F Prieur, M Tidball
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 46 (2), 587-610, 2013
Conservation priorities when species interact: the Noah's ark metaphor revisited
P Courtois, C Figuieres, C Mulier
PloS one 9 (9), e106073, 2014
Sustainable development: Between moral injunctions and natural constraints
C Figuières, H Guyomard, G Rotillon
Sustainability 2 (11), 3608-3622, 2010
The impact of academic information supply and familiarity on preferences for ecosystem services
MM Sy, H Rey-Valette, C Figuières, M Simier, R De Wit
Ecological Economics 183, 106959, 2021
Matching grants and Ricardian equivalence
C Figuieres, J Hindriks
Journal of Urban Economics 52 (1), 177-191, 2002
Sustainable exploitation of a natural resource: A satisfying use of Chichilnisky’s criterion
C Figuières, M Tidball
The Economics of the Global Environment: Catastrophic Risks in Theory and …, 2016
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Articles 1–20