Anya Evmenova
Cited by
Cited by
An exploratory study of universal design for teaching chemistry to students with and without disabilities
ME King-Sears, TM Johnson, S Berkeley, MP Weiss, EE Peters-Burton, ...
Learning disability quarterly 38 (2), 84-96, 2015
Preparing teachers to use universal design for learning to support diverse learners
A Evmenova
Journal of Online Learning Research 4 (2), 147-171, 2018
The effectiveness of professional development in overcoming obstacles to effective online instruction in a College of Education.
J Borup, AS Evmenova
Online Learning 23 (2), 1-20, 2019
Experiences of instructors in online learning environments: Identifying and regulating emotions
K Regan, A Evmenova, P Baker, MK Jerome, V Spencer, H Lawson, ...
The Internet and Higher Education 15 (3), 204-212, 2012
Premises, principles, and processes for integrating technology into instruction
ME King-Sears, AS Evmenova
Teaching Exceptional Children 40 (1), 6-14, 2007
Emphasizing planning for essay writing with a computer-based graphic organizer
AS Evmenova, K Regan, A Boykin, K Good, M Hughes, N MacVittie, ...
Exceptional Children 82 (2), 170-191, 2016
Integrating UDL Strategies into the Online Course Development Process: Instructional Designers' Perspectives.
K Singleton, A Evmenova, MK Jerome, K Clark
Online Learning 23 (1), 206-235, 2019
Teacher perceptions of integrating technology in writing
K Regan, AS Evmenova, D Sacco, J Schwartzer, DS Chirinos, ...
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 28 (1), 1-19, 2019
Word prediction programs with phonetic spelling support: Performance comparisons and impact on journal writing for students with writing difficulties
AS Evmenova, HJ Graff, MK Jerome, MM Behrmann
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 25 (4), 170-182, 2010
Teaching phonics to groups of middle school students with autism, intellectual disabilities and complex communication needs
MK Ainsworth, AS Evmenova, M Behrmann, M Jerome
Research in developmental disabilities 56, 165-176, 2016
Achievement of learners receiving UDL instruction: A meta-analysis
ME King-Sears, A Stefanidis, AS Evmenova, K Rao, RL Mergen, LS Owen, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 122, 103956, 2023
The impact of a computer-based graphic organizer with embedded self-regulated learning strategies on the argumentative writing of students in inclusive cross-curricula settings
A Boykin, AS Evmenova, K Regan, M Mastropieri
Computers & Education 137, 78-90, 2019
Supporting the writing process with technology for students with disabilities
AS Evmenova, K Regan
Intervention in School and Clinic 55 (2), 78-85, 2019
Review of research-based interventions for students with autism spectrum disorders in content area instruction: Implications and considerations for classroom practice
VG Spencer, AS Evmenova, RT Boon, L Hayes-Harris
Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 331-353, 2014
Going beyond AT devices: Are AT services being considered?
ME Bausch, MJ Ault, AS Evmenova, MM Behrmann
Journal of Special Education Technology 23 (2), 1-16, 2008
Validation of the UDL reporting criteria with extant UDL research
K Rao, MW Ok, SJ Smith, AS Evmenova, D Edyburn
Remedial and Special Education 41 (4), 219-230, 2020
Persuasive writing with mobile-based graphic organizers in inclusive classrooms across the curriculum
K Regan, AS Evmenova, K Good, A Legget, SY Ahn, B Gafurov, ...
Journal of Special Education Technology 33 (1), 3-14, 2018
A computer-based graphic organizer with embedded self-regulated learning strategies to support student writing
MD Hughes, KS Regan, A Evmenova
Intervention in School and Clinic 55 (1), 13-22, 2019
The single-case data-analysis ExPRT (Excel Package of Randomization Tests).
JR Levin, AS Evmenova, BS Gafurov
American Psychological Association, 2014
Teaching multistep equations with virtual manipulatives to secondary students with learning disabilities
R Satsangi, R Hammer, AS Evmenova
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 33 (2), 99-111, 2018
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Articles 1–20