Eui-Hong Han
Eui-Hong Han
The Washington Post
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Chameleon: Hierarchical clustering using dynamic modeling
G Karypis, EH Han, V Kumar
computer 32 (8), 68-75, 1999
Text Categorization Using Weight Adjusted k-Nearest Neighbor Classification
EH Han, G Karypis, V Kumar
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 5th Pacific-Asia Conference …, 2001
Centroid-based document classification: Analysis and experimental results
EH Han, G Karypis
European conference on principles of data mining and knowledge discovery …, 2000
Scalable parallel data mining for association rules
EH Han, G Karypis, V Kumar
Acm Sigmod Record 26 (2), 277-288, 1997
Partitioning-based clustering for web document categorization
D Boley, M Gini, R Gross, EHS Han, K Hastings, G Karypis, V Kumar, ...
Decision Support Systems 27 (3), 329-341, 1999
Web mining: Pattern discovery from world wide web transactions
B Mobasher, N Jain, EH Han, J Srivastava
Technical Report TR 96-050, University of Minnesota, Dept. of Computer …, 1996
Clustering based on association rule hypergraphs
E Han, G Karypis, V Kumar, B Mobasher
Scalable parallel data mining for association rules
EH Han, G Karypis, V Kumar
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 12 (3), 337-352, 2000
WebACE: A web agent for document categorization and exploration
EH Han, D Boley, M Gini, R Gross, K Hastings, G Karypis, V Kumar, ...
Proceedings of the second international conference on Autonomous agents, 408-415, 1998
Parallel formulations of decision-tree classification algorithms
A Srivastava, EH Han, V Kumar, V Singh
High Performance Data Mining: Scaling Algorithms, Applications and Systems …, 2002
Document categorization and query generation on the world wide web using webace
D Boley, M Gini, R Gross, EH Han, K Hastings, G Karypis, V Kumar, ...
Artificial Intelligence Review 13, 365-391, 1999
Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining
BS Yang, ZH Zhou, Z Gong, ML Zhang, SJ Huang
Proceedings 405, 2014
Hypergraph based clustering in high-dimensional data sets: A summary of results
EH Han, G Karypis, V Kumar, B Mobasher
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 21 (1), 15-22, 1998
Concept indexing: A fast dimensionality reduction algorithm with applications to document retrieval & categorization
G Karypis, E Han
Method and System for Content Based Demographics Prediction for Websites
G Karypis, EH Han
US Patent App. 12/643,904, 2010
Fast supervised dimensionality reduction algorithm with applications to document categorization & retrieval
G Karypis, EH Han
Proceedings of the ninth international conference on Information and …, 2000
Systems and methods of making content-based demographics predictions for website cross-reference to related applications
G Karypis, EH Han, S Kabbur
US Patent 8,412,648, 2013
Web page categorization and feature selection using association rule and principal component clustering
J Moore, E Han, D Boley, M Gini, R Gross, K Hastings, G Karypis, ...
7th Workshop on information technologies and systems 27 (3), 329-341, 1997
Feature-based recommendation system
EH Han, G Karypis
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2005
Clustering in a high-dimensional space using hypergraph models
EH Han, G Karypis, V Kumar, B Mobasher
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Articles 1–20