Wang Zhaoxia
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Cited by
Feature knowledge based fault detection of induction motors through the analysis of stator current data
T Yang, H Pen, Z Wang, CS Chang
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 65 (3), 549-558, 2016
Determining the number of BP neural network hidden layer units
H Shen, Z Wang, C Gao, J QIN, F YAO, W XU
Journal of tianjin University of Technology 24 (5), 13, 2008
A review of emotion sensing: categorization models and algorithms
Z Wang, SB Ho, E Cambria
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 35553-35582, 2020
Survey on sentiment analysis: evolution of research methods and topics
J Cui, Z Wang, SB Ho, E Cambria
Artificial Intelligence Review 56 (8), 8469-8510, 2023
Multi-level fine-scaled sentiment sensing with ambivalence handling
Z Wang, SB Ho, E Cambria
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems …, 2020
Fine-grained sentiment analysis of social media with emotion sensing
Z Wang, CS Chong, L Lan, Y Yang, SB Ho, JC Tong
2016 Future technologies conference (FTC), 1361-1364, 2016
Seven pillars for the future of artificial intelligence
E Cambria, R Mao, M Chen, Z Wang, SB Ho
IEEE Intelligent Systems 38 (6), 62-69, 2023
Stock market prediction analysis by incorporating social and news opinion and sentiment
Z Wang, SB Ho, Z Lin
2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 1375-1380, 2018
Anomaly detection through enhanced sentiment analysis on social media data
Z Wang, V Joo, C Tong, X Xin, HC Chin
2014 IEEE 6th international conference on cloud computing technology and …, 2014
Issues of social data analytics with a new method for sentiment analysis of social media data
Z Wang, V Joo, C Tong, D Chan
2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2014
Data center holistic demand response algorithm to smooth microgrid tie-line power fluctuation
T Yang, Y Zhao, H Pen, Z Wang
Applied Energy 231, 277-287, 2018
RiskVis: Supply chain visualization with risk management and real-time monitoring
RSM Goh, Z Wang, X Yin, X Fu, L Ponnambalam, S Lu, X Li
2013 IEEE International conference on automation science and engineering …, 2013
A method and system for sentiment classification and emotion classification
Z Wang, SMR Goh, Y Yang
US Patent App. 15/523,201, 2017
Enhancing machine-learning methods for sentiment classification of web data
Z Wang, VJC Tong, HC Chin
Information Retrieval Technology: 10th Asia Information Retrieval Societies …, 2014
Hierarchical fuzzy logic system for implementing maintenance schedules of offshore power systems
CS Chang, Z Wang, F Yang, WW Tan
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 3 (1), 3-11, 2011
Optimal feature selection for learning-based algorithms for sentiment classification
Z Wang, Z Lin
Cognitive Computation 12, 238-248, 2020
Hybrid time-frequency domain analysis for inverter-fed induction motor fault detection
TW Chua, WW Tan, ZX Wang, CS Chang
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 1633-1638, 2010
A feature based frequency domain analysis algorithm for fault detection of induction motors
Z Wang, CS Chang, Y Zhang
2011 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 27-32, 2011
Leveraging social networking sites for disease surveillance and public sensing: the case of the 2013 avian influenza A (H7N9) outbreak in China
EX Zhang, Y Yang, R Di Shang, JJP Simons, BK Quek, XF Yin, W See, ...
Western Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal: WPSAR 6 (2), 66, 2015
Learning-based stock trending prediction by incorporating technical indicators and social media sentiment
Z Wang, Z Hu, F Li, SB Ho, E Cambria
Cognitive Computation 15 (3), 1092-1102, 2023
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Articles 1–20