Christophe Saint-Jean
Christophe Saint-Jean
Associate Professor, University of La Rochelle
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Clifford–Fourier transform for color image processing
T Batard, M Berthier, C Saint-Jean
Geometric Algebra Computing: In Engineering and Computer Science, 135-162, 2010
Color Fourier–Mellin descriptors for image recognition
J Mennesson, C Saint-Jean, L Mascarilla
Pattern Recognition Letters 40, 27-35, 2014
A metric approach to nD images edge detection with Clifford algebras
T Batard, C Saint-Jean, M Berthier
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 33, 296-312, 2009
Status and conservation of the grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, in France
C Vincent, MA Fedak, BJ McConnell, L Meynier, C Saint-Jean, V Ridoux
Biological Conservation 126 (1), 62-73, 2005
An Expectation–Maximization algorithm for the Wishart mixture model: Application to movement clustering
S Hidot, C Saint-Jean
Pattern Recognition Letters 31 (14), 2318-2324, 2010
Color object recognition based on a clifford fourier transform
J Mennesson, C Saint-Jean, L Mascarilla
Guide to Geometric Algebra in Practice, 175-191, 2011
New geometric fourier descriptors for color image recognition
J Mennesson, C Saint-Jean, L Mascarilla
2010 IEEE international conference on image processing, 2685-2688, 2010
Conformal geometry for viewpoint change representation
GE Mir, C Saint-Jean, M Berthier
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 24, 443-463, 2014
Classification paramétrique robuste partiellement supervisée en reconnaissance des formes
C Saint-Jean
Université de La Rochelle, 2001
A New Implementation of k-MLE for Mixture Modeling of Wishart Distributions
C Saint-Jean, F Nielsen
Geometric Science of Information: First International Conference, GSI 2013 …, 2013
Alive fishes species characterization from video sequences
D Semani, C Saint-Jean, C Frélicot, T Bouwmans, P Courtellemont
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR …, 2002
Image quality and automatic color equalization
M Chambah, A Rizzi, C Saint Jean
Image Quality and System Performance IV 6494, 96-107, 2007
Further image quality assessment in digital film restoration
M Chambah, C Saint-Jean, F Helt, A Rizzi
Image Quality and System Performance III 6059, 245-256, 2006
Hartigan’s Method for -MLE: Mixture Modeling with Wishart Distributions and Its Application to Motion Retrieval
C Saint-Jean, F Nielsen
Geometric theory of information, 301-330, 2014
De nouveaux descripteurs de Fourier géométriques pour l'analyse d'images couleur
J Mennesson, C Saint-Jean, L Mascarilla
Reconnaissance Des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, 599-606, 2010
Measurement of capillary refill time with a handheld prototype device: a comparative validation study in healthy volunteers
M Ruste, L Cazenave, M Tardif, C Saint-Jean, JL Fellahi, MJ Lagrèze
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 1-8, 2022
Online k-MLE for Mixture Modeling with Exponential Families
C Saint-Jean, F Nielsen
Geometric Science of Information: Second International Conference, GSI 2015 …, 2015
ACP relationnelle pour l'analyse du mouvement: application à la danse
S Hidot, JY Lafaye, C Saint-Jean
Discriminant factor anaysis for movement recognition: application to dance
S Hidot, JY Lafaye, C Saint-Jean
Machine Graphics & Vision International Journal 15 (3), 391-399, 2006
Image quality evaluation in the field of digital film restoration
M Chambah, C Saint-Jean, F Helt
Image Quality and System Performance II 5668, 220-231, 2005
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Articles 1–20