Jacques HUGON
Jacques HUGON
professeur Université Paris Diderot AP-HP, Inserm
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A controlled trial of riluzole in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ALS/Riluzole Study Group
G.Bensimon ,L. Lacomblez , V.Meininger
New England Journal of Medicine 330 (9), 585-591, 1994
Guam amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-parkinsonism-dementia linked to a plant excitant neurotoxin
PS Spencer, PB Nunn, J Hugon, AC Ludolph, SM Ross, DN Roy, ...
Science 237 (4814), 517-522, 1987
Lathyrism: evidence for role of the neuroexcitatory aminoacid BOAA
PS Spencer, A Ludolph, MP Dwivedi, DN Roy, J Hugon, HH Schaumburg
The Lancet 328 (8515), 1066-1067, 1986
Abnormal retinal thickness in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
C Paquet, M Boissonnot, F Roger, P Dighiero, R Gil, J Hugon
Neuroscience letters 420 (2), 97-99, 2007
Differences between plasma and cerebrospinal fluid glial fibrillary acidic protein levels across the Alzheimer disease continuum
AL Benedet, M Milà-Alomà, A Vrillon, NJ Ashton, TA Pascoal, F Lussier, ...
JAMA neurology 78 (12), 1471-1483, 2021
Phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor-2α (eIF2α) is associated with neuronal degeneration in Alzheimer's disease
RCC Chang, AKY Wong, HK Ng, J Hugon
Neuroreport 13 (18), 2429-2432, 2002
High frequency of potentially pathogenic SORL1 mutations in autosomal dominant early-onset Alzheimer disease.
WD Pottier C, Hannequin D, Coutant S, Rovelet-Lecrux A
Mol Psychiatry. 17 (9), 875-9, 2012
mTOR/p70S6k signalling alteration by Aβ exposure as well as in APP‐PS1 transgenic models and in patients with Alzheimer's disease
C Lafay‐Chebassier, M Paccalin, G Page, S Barc‐Pain, ...
Journal of neurochemistry 94 (1), 215-225, 2005
Cell culture evidence for neuronal degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis being linked to glutamate AMPA/kainate receptors
P Couratier, P Sindou, J Hugon, JM Vallat, M Dumas
The Lancet 341 (8840), 265-268, 1993
CNTF promotes survival of retinal ganglion cells after induction of ocular hypertension in rats: the possible involvement of STAT3 pathway
JZ Ji, W Elyaman, HK Yip, VWH Lee, LW Yick, J Hugon, KF So
European Journal of Neuroscience 19 (2), 265-272, 2004
Long COVID: cognitive complaints (brain fog) and dysfunction of the cingulate cortex
J Hugon, EF Msika, M Queneau, K Farid, C Paquet
Journal of Neurology 269 (1), 44-46, 2022
Increased hypoxic tolerance by chemical inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation:“chemical preconditioning”
MW Riepe, F Esclaire, K Kasischke, S Schreiber, H Nakase, O Kempski, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 17 (3), 257-264, 1997
mTOR‐dependent signalling in Alzheimer's disease
JJ Pei, J Hugon
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 12 (6b), 2525-2532, 2008
Oxidative stress increases BACE1 protein levels through activation of the PKR-eIF2α pathway
F Mouton-Liger, C Paquet, J Dumurgier, C Bouras, L Pradier, F Gray, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Basis of Disease 1822 (6), 885-896, 2012
Involvement of double‐stranded RNA‐dependent protein kinase and phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor‐2α in neuronal degeneration
RCC Chang, KC Suen, CH Ma, W Elyaman, HK Ng, J Hugon
Journal of neurochemistry 83 (5), 1215-1225, 2002
Contribution to Alzheimer's disease risk of rare variants in TREM2, SORL1, and ABCA7 in 1779 cases and 1273 controls
C Bellenguez, C Charbonnier, B Grenier-Boley, O Quenez, K Le Guennec, ...
Neurobiology of aging 59, 220. e1-220. e9, 2017
The pre-synaptic vesicle protein synaptotagmin is a novel biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease
A Öhrfelt, A Brinkmalm, J Dumurgier, G Brinkmalm, O Hansson, ...
Alzheimer's research & therapy 8, 1-10, 2016
Tick‐bite meningoradiculoneuritis: clinical, electrophysiologic, and histologic findings in 10 cases
JM Vallat, J Hugon, M Lubeau, MJ Leboutet, M Dumas, ...
Neurology 37 (5), 749-749, 1987
Tyk2/STAT3 signaling mediates β-amyloid-induced neuronal cell death: implications in Alzheimer's disease
J Wan, AKY Fu, FCF Ip, HK Ng, J Hugon, G Page, JH Wang, KO Lai, Z Wu, ...
Journal of neuroscience 30 (20), 6873-6881, 2010
Cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-β 42/40 ratio in clinical setting of memory centers: a multicentric study
J Dumurgier, S Schraen, A Gabelle, O Vercruysse, S Bombois, ...
Alzheimer's research & therapy 7, 1-9, 2015
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