Ilinca Stanciulescu
Ilinca Stanciulescu
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Simulation of tyre–pavement interaction for predicting contact stresses at static and various rolling conditions
H Wang, IL Al-Qadi, I Stanciulescu
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 13 (4), 310-321, 2012
Effect of surface friction on tire–pavement contact stresses during vehicle maneuvering
H Wang, IL Al-Qadi, I Stanciulescu
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 140 (4), 04014001, 2014
Nonlinear elastic buckling and postbuckling analysis of cylindrical panels
Y Zhou, I Stanciulescu, T Eason, M Spottswood
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 96, 41-50, 2015
A robust composite time integration scheme for snap-through problems
Y Chandra, Y Zhou, I Stanciulescu, T Eason, S Spottswood
Computational Mechanics 55, 1041-1056, 2015
A lower bound on snap-through instability of curved beams under thermomechanical loads
I Stanciulescu, T Mitchell, Y Chandra, T Eason, M Spottswood
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 47 (5), 561-575, 2012
A numerical investigation of snap-through in a shallow arch-like model
Y Chandra, I Stanciulescu, LN Virgin, TG Eason, SM Spottswood
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (10), 2532-2548, 2013
Engineering biologically extensible hydrogels using photolithographic printing
SM Mehta, T Jin, I Stanciulescu, KJ Grande-Allen
Acta Biomaterialia 75, 52-62, 2018
Equilibria and stability boundaries of shallow arches under static loading in a thermal environment
B Moghaddasie, I Stanciulescu
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 51, 132-144, 2013
Nonlinear normal modes of a shallow arch with elastic constraints for two-to-one internal resonances
Z Yi, I Stanciulescu
Nonlinear Dynamics 83, 1577-1600, 2016
Characterizing dynamic transitions associated with snap-through: a discrete system
R Wiebe, LN Virgin, I Stanciulescu, SM Spottswood, TG Eason
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 8 (1), 011010, 2013
Can complex systems really be simulated?
T Kalmar-Nagy, I Stanciulescu
Applied Mathematics and Computation 227, 199-211, 2014
Characterizing dynamic transitions associated with snap-through of clamped shallow arches
Y Chandra, R Wiebe, I Stanciulescu, LN Virgin, SM Spottswood, ...
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (22), 5837-5855, 2013
Non-linear stability and remote unconnected equilibria of shallow arches with asymmetric geometric imperfections
Y Zhou, W Chang, I Stanciulescu
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 77, 1-11, 2015
Multiscale homogenization method for the prediction of elastic properties of fiber-reinforced composites
W Shu, I Stanciulescu
International Journal of Solids and Structures 203, 249-263, 2020
A co-simulation environment for high-fidelity virtual prototyping of vehicle systems
M Datar, I Stanciulescu, D Negrut
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing 7 (1), 54-72, 2012
Efficient parallel simulation of large flexible body systems with multiple contacts
N Khude, I Stanciulescu, D Melanz, D Negrut
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 8 (4), 041003, 2013
Relationship between Euler buckling and unstable equilibria of buckled beams
M Nistor, R Wiebe, I Stanciulescu
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 95, 151-161, 2017
An algorithm for incorporation of frictional sliding conditions within a steady state rolling framework
TA Laursen, I Stanciulescu
Communications in numerical methods in engineering 22 (4), 301-318, 2006
Bioinspired engineering of poly (ethylene glycol) hydrogels and natural protein fibers for layered heart valve constructs
Q Li, Y Bai, T Jin, S Wang, W Cui, I Stanciulescu, R Yang, H Nie, L Wang, ...
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (19), 16524-16535, 2017
A GPU‐based preconditioned Newton‐Krylov solver for flexible multibody dynamics
R Serban, D Melanz, A Li, I Stanciulescu, P Jayakumar, D Negrut
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 102 (9), 1585-1604, 2015
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Articles 1–20