Jesus Bermudez-Cameo
Cited by
Cited by
Calibration of omnidirectional cameras in practice: A comparison of methods
L Puig, J Bermúdez, P Sturm, JJ Guerrero
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 116 (1), 120-137, 2012
Automatic Line Extraction in Uncalibrated Omnidirectional Cameras with Revolution Symmetry
J Bermudez-Cameo, G Lopez-Nicolas, JJ Guerrero
International Journal of Computer Vision 114 (1), 16 - 37, 2015
Depth and motion cues with phosphene patterns for prosthetic vision
A Perez-Yus, J Bermudez-Cameo, G Lopez-Nicolas, JJ Guerrero
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2017
Hypercatadioptric line images for 3D orientation and image rectification
J Bermudez-Cameo, L Puig, JJ Guerrero
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2012
OmniSCV: An Omnidirectional Synthetic Image Generator for Computer Vision
B Berenguel-Baeta, J Bermudez-Cameo, JJ Guerrero
Sensors 20 ((7)), 2066, 2020
Fredsnet: Joint monocular depth and semantic segmentation with fast fourier convolutions from single panoramas
B Berenguel-Baeta, J Bermudez-Cameo, JJ Guerrero
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6080-6086, 2023
Line-images in Cone Mirror Catadioptric Systems
J Bermudez-Cameo, G Lopez-Nicolas, JJ Guerrero
22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2014
Influence of field of view in visual prostheses design: Analysis with a VR system
M Sanchez-Garcia, R Martinez-Cantin, J Bermudez-Cameo, JJ Guerrero
Journal of Neural Engineering 17 (5), 056002, 2020
Line extraction in central hyper-catadioptric systems
J Bermúdez, L Puig, JJ Guerrero
OMNIVIS-10th Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and …, 2010
Self-orientation of a hand-held catadioptric system in man-made environments
L Puig, J Bermudez, JJ Guerrero
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, 2549-2555, 2010
Exploiting line metric reconstruction from non-central circular panoramas
J Bermudez-Cameo, O Saurer, G Lopez-Nicolas, JJ Guerrero, M Pollefeys
Pattern Recognition Letters 94, 30-37, 2017
Floor extraction and door detection for visually impaired guidance
B Berenguel-Baeta, M Guerrero-Viu, A Nova, J Bermudez-Cameo, ...
2020 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2020
Minimal solution for computing pairs of lines in non-central cameras
J Bermudez-Cameo, JP Barreto, G Lopez-Nicolas, JJ Guerrero
ACCV 2014 - The 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2014
RGB-D computer vision techniques for simulated prosthetic vision
J Bermudez-Cameo, A Badias-Herbera, M Guerrero-Viu, G Lopez-Nicolas, ...
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: 8th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2017 …, 2017
Fitting line projections in non-central catadioptric cameras with revolution symmetry
J Bermudez-Cameo, G Lopez-Nicolas, JJ Guerrero
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 167, 134–152, 2018
Dynamic and heterogeneous wireless sensor networks for virtual instrumentation services: application to perishable goods surveillance
T Seco, J Bermudez, J Paniagua, JA Castellanos
IEEE 8th International Conference onMobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS …, 2011
Line extraction in uncalibrated central images with revolution symmetry
J Bermudez-Cameo, G Lopez-Nicolas, JJ Guerrero
24th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2013), 2013
A Unified Framework for Line Extraction in Dioptric and Catadioptric Cameras
J Bermudez-Cameo, G Lopez-Nicolas, JJ Guerrero
Computer Vision – ACCV 2012, 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision …, 2013
Scaled 360 layouts: Revisiting non-central panoramas
B Berenguel-Baeta, J Bermudez-Cameo, JJ Guerrero
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Line reconstruction using prior knowledge in single non-central view
J Bermudez-Cameo, C Demonceaux, G Lopez-Nicolas, JJ Guerrero
27th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2016), 2016
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Articles 1–20