Charles R. Twardy
Charles R. Twardy
Senior Data Scientist, Jacobs; (Affiliate Faculty, George Mason)
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Cited by
Expert status and performance
MA Burgman, M McBride, R Ashton, A Speirs-Bridge, L Flander, B Wintle, ...
PloS one 6 (7), e22998, 2011
Argument maps improve critical thinking
C Twardy
I nvestigate D iscuss E stimate A ggregate for structured expert judgement
AM Hanea, MF McBride, MA Burgman, BC Wintle, F Fidler, L Flander, ...
International Journal of Forecasting 33 (1), 267-279, 2017
Probabilistic coherence weighting for optimizing expert forecasts
CW Karvetski, KC Olson, DR Mandel, CR Twardy
Decision Analysis 10 (4), 305-326, 2013
Evaluating lost person behavior models
E Sava, C Twardy, R Koester, M Sonwalkar
Transactions in GIS 20 (1), 38-53, 2016
Role Of Energy Conservation In Event Perception
CR Twardy, GP Bingham
Studies in Perception and Action V, 36-40, 1999
Causation, causal perception, and conservation laws
CR Twardy, GP Bingham
Perception & Psychophysics 64 (6), 956-968, 2002
Are replication rates the same across academic fields? Community forecasts from the DARPA SCORE programme
M Gordon, D Viganola, M Bishop, Y Chen, A Dreber, B Goldfedder, ...
Royal Society open science 7 (7), 200566, 2020
Epidemiological data mining of cardiovascular Bayesian networks
CR Twardy, AE Nicholson, KB Korb, J McNeil
electronic Journal of Health Informatics 1 (1), 3, 2006
Systematizing confidence in open research and evidence (score)
N Alipourfard, B Arendt, DM Benjamin, N Benkler, M Bishop, M Burstein, ...
SocArXiv, 2021
The metaphysics of causal models: Where’s the biff?
T Handfield, CR Twardy, KB Korb, G Oppy
Erkenntnis 68, 149-168, 2008
Knowledge engineering cardiovascular Bayesian networks from the literature
CR Twardy, AE Nicholson, K Korb, J McNeil
School of Computer Science & Software Engineering, 2005
A criterion of probabilistic causation
CR Twardy, KB Korb
Philosophy of Science 71 (3), 241-262, 2004
The Intelligence Game: Assessing Delphi Groups And Structured Question Formats
B Wintle, S Mascaro, F Fidler, M McBride, M Burgman, L Flander, G Saw, ...
SECAU Security Conference, 2012
Decision support for clinical cardiovascular risk assessment
AE Nicholson, CR Twardy, KB Korb, LR Hope
Bayesian Networks: A Practical Guide to Applications, 33-52, 2008
Use of the visual range of detection to estimate effective sweep width for land search and rescue based on 10 detection experiments in North America
RJ Koester, KB Chiacchia, CR Twardy, DC Cooper, JR Frost, RQ Robe
Wilderness & environmental medicine 25 (2), 132-142, 2014
Data mining cardiovascular Bayesian networks
CR Twardy, AE Nicholson, KB Korb, J McNeil
Monash University, 2004
Empirical data sets are algorithmically compressible: reply to McAllister?
C Twardy, S Gardner, DL Dowe
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 36 (2), 391-402, 2005
Probability and asset updating using bayesian networks for combinatorial prediction markets
W Sun, R Hanson, KB Laskey, C Twardy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.4900, 2012
Missing Person Behaviour An Australian Study
CR Twardy, R Koester, R Gatt
Final Report to the Australian National SAR Council 72, 2006
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Articles 1–20