Eugene P. Petrov
Eugene P. Petrov
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
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Spontaneous emission of organic molecules embedded in a photonic crystal
EP Petrov, VN Bogomolov, II Kalosha, SV Gaponenko
Physical Review Letters 81 (1), 77-80, 1998
Photonic band gap phenomenon and optical properties of artificial opals
VN Bogomolov, SV Gaponenko, IN Germanenko, AM Kapitonov, ...
Physical Review E 55 (6), 7619-7625, 1997
Luminescence properties of thiol-stabilized CdTe nanocrystals
AM Kapitonov, AP Stupak, SV Gaponenko, EP Petrov, AL Rogach, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (46), 10109-10113, 1999
Translational diffusion in lipid membranes beyond the Saffman-Delbrück approximation
EP Petrov, P Schwille
Biophysical Journal 94 (5), L41-L43, 2008
Toward understanding the high PDT efficacy of chlorin e6–polyvinylpyrrolidone formulations: Photophysical and molecular aspects of photosensitizer–polymer interaction in vitro
HA Isakau, MV Parkhats, VN Knyukshto, BM Dzhagarov, EP Petrov, ...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 92 (3), 165-174, 2008
Temperature-dependent photoluminescence of PbS quantum dots in glass: Evidence of exciton state splitting and carrier trapping
MS Gaponenko, AA Lutich, NA Tolstik, AA Onushchenko, AM Malyarevich, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (12), 125320, 2010
Diffusion and segmental dynamics of double-stranded DNA
EP Petrov, T Ohrt, RG Winkler, P Schwille
Physical Review Letters 97 (25), 258101, 2006
Nanoassemblies designed from semiconductor quantum dots and molecular arrays
E Zenkevich, F Cichos, A Shulga, EP Petrov, T Blaudeck, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (18), 8679-8692, 2005
State of the art and novel trends in fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
EP Petrov, P Schwille
Standardization and quality assurance in fluorescence measurements II …, 2008
Spontaneous emission of dye molecules, semiconductor nanocrystals, and rare-earth ions in opal-based photonic crystals
SV Gaponenko, VN Bogomolov, EP Petrov, AM Kapitonov, DA Yarotsky, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 17 (11), 2128-2137, 1999
The role of lipids in VDAC oligomerization
V Betaneli, EP Petrov, P Schwille
Biophysical Journal 102 (3), 523-531, 2012
Near-critical fluctuations and cytoskeleton-assisted phase separation lead to subdiffusion in cell membranes
J Ehrig, EP Petrov, P Schwille
Biophysical Journal 100 (1), 80-89, 2011
Efficient electroformation of supergiant unilamellar vesicles containing cationic lipids on ITO-coated electrodes
C Herold, G Chwastek, P Schwille, EP Petrov
Langmuir 28 (13), 5518-5521, 2012
Translational and rotational diffusion of micrometer-sized solid domains in lipid membranes
EP Petrov, R Petrosyan, P Schwille
Soft Matter 8 (29), 7552-7555, 2012
Switchable domain partitioning and diffusion of DNA origami rods on membranes
A Czogalla, EP Petrov, DJ Kauert, V Uzunova, Y Zhang, R Seidel, ...
Faraday discussions 161, 31-43, 2013
Faraday effect of photonic crystals
C Koerdt, G Rikken, EP Petrov
Applied Physics Letters 82 (10), 1538-1540, 2003
Total internal reflection fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: effects of lateral diffusion and surface-generated fluorescence
J Ries, EP Petrov, P Schwille
Biophysical Journal 95 (1), 390-399, 2008
DNA condensation at freestanding cationic lipid bilayers
C Herold, P Schwille, EP Petrov
Physical Review Letters 104 (14), 148102, 2010
Phase separation and near-critical fluctuations in two-component lipid membranes: Monte Carlo simulations on experimentally relevant scales
J Ehrig, EP Petrov, P Schwille
New Journal of Physics 13 (3), 045019, 2011
Cytoskeletal pinning controls phase separation in multicomponent lipid membranes
S Arumugam, EP Petrov, P Schwille
Biophysical Journal 108 (5), 1104-1113, 2015
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Articles 1–20