José Alvarado
José Alvarado
University of Texas at Austin, Department of Physics, Center for Nonlinear Dynamics (CNLD)
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Cited by
Molecular motors robustly drive active gels to a critically connected state
J Alvarado, M Sheinman, A Sharma, FC MacKintosh, GH Koenderink
Nature physics 9 (9), 591-597, 2013
Septins promote F-actin ring formation by crosslinking actin filaments into curved bundles
M Mavrakis, Y Azou-Gros, FC Tsai, J Alvarado, A Bertin, F Iv, A Kress, ...
Nature cell biology 16 (4), 322-334, 2014
Dynamic sealing using magnetorheological fluids
Y Liang, JR Alvarado, KD Iagnemma, AE Hosoi
Physical Review Applied 10 (6), 064049, 2018
Self-organized patterns of actin filaments in cell-sized confinement
MS e Silva, J Alvarado, J Nguyen, N Georgoulia, BM Mulder, ...
Soft Matter 7 (22), 10631-10641, 2011
Solid state pump using electro-rheological fluid
Y Liang, AE Hosoi, MF Demers, KD Iagnemma, JR Alvarado, RA Zane, ...
US Patent 10,309,386, 2019
Colloidal liquid crystals in rectangular confinement: theory and experiment
AH Lewis, I Garlea, J Alvarado, OJ Dammone, PD Howell, A Majumdar, ...
Soft Matter 10 (39), 7865-7873, 2014
Force percolation of contractile active gels
J Alvarado, M Sheinman, A Sharma, FC MacKintosh, GH Koenderink
Soft matter 13 (34), 5624-5644, 2017
Anomalous discontinuity at the percolation critical point of active gels
M Sheinman, A Sharma, J Alvarado, GH Koenderink, FC MacKintosh
Physical review letters 114 (9), 098104, 2015
Alignment of nematic and bundled semiflexible polymers in cell-sized confinement
J Alvarado, BM Mulder, GH Koenderink
Soft matter 10 (14), 2354-2364, 2014
Transiently crosslinked F-actin bundles
D Strehle, J Schnauß, C Heussinger, J Alvarado, M Bathe, J Käs, B Gentry
European Biophysics Journal 40, 93-101, 2011
Finite particle size drives defect-mediated domain structures in strongly confined colloidal liquid crystals
IC Gârlea, P Mulder, J Alvarado, O Dammone, DGAL Aarts, MP Lettinga, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12112, 2016
Nonlinear flow response of soft hair beds
J Alvarado, J Comtet, E De Langre, AE Hosoi
Nature Physics 13 (10), 1014-1019, 2017
Air entrainment in hairy surfaces
A Nasto, M Regli, PT Brun, J Alvarado, C Clanet, AE Hosoi
Physical Review Fluids 1 (3), 033905, 2016
Colloidal liquid crystals confined to synthetic tactoids
IC Gârlea, O Dammone, J Alvarado, V Notenboom, Y Jia, GH Koenderink, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 20391, 2019
Reconstituting cytoskeletal contraction events with biomimetic actin–myosin active gels
J Alvarado, GH Koenderink
Methods in cell biology 128, 83-103, 2015
Quantification of the mesh structure of bundled actin filaments
F Cavanna, J Alvarado
Soft Matter 17 (19), 5034-5043, 2021
Uncovering the dynamic precursors to motor-driven contraction of active gels
J Alvarado, L Cipelletti, GH Koenderink
Soft Matter 15 (42), 8552-8565, 2019
Biological polymers: Confined, bent, and driven
J Alvarado
Twinfilin1 controls lamellipodial protrusive activity and actin turnover during vertebrate gastrulation
CC Devitt, C Lee, RM Cox, O Papoulas, J Alvarado, S Shekhar, ...
Journal of cell science 134 (14), jcs254011, 2021
Inherently unstable networks collapse to a critical point
M Sheinman, A Sharma, J Alvarado, GH Koenderink, FC MacKintosh
Physical Review E 92 (1), 012710, 2015
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Articles 1–20