Chris Fox
Cited by
Cited by
Social innovation, an answer to contemporary societal challenges? Locating the concept in theory and practice
R Grimm, C Fox, S Baines, K Albertson
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 26 (4), 436-455, 2013
Payment by results and social impact bonds in the criminal justice sector: New challenges for the concept of evidence-based policy?
C Fox, K Albertson
Criminology & Criminal Justice 11 (5), 395-413, 2011
A rapid evidence assessment of the effectiveness of prison education in reducing recidivism and increasing employment
M Ellison, K Szifris, R Horan, C Fox
Probation Journal 64 (2), 108-128, 2017
A Realist Model of Prison Education, Growth, and Desistance: A New Theory.
K Szifris, C Fox, A Bradbury
Journal of Prison Education and Reentry 5 (1), 41-62, 2018
Is payment by results the most efficient way to address the challenges faced by the criminal justice sector?
C Fox, K Albertson
Probation Journal 59 (4), 355-373, 2012
Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds
K Albertson, C Fox, C O’Leary, G Painter, K Bailey, J Labarbera
University of Chicago Press Economics Books, 2018
Crime and economics: An introduction
K Albertson, C Fox
Willan, 2011
An introduction to evaluation
C Fox, R Grimm, R Caldeira
Sage, 2016
Evaluating outcome-based payment programmes: challenges for evidence-based policy
C Fox, S Morris
Journal of Economic Policy Reform 24 (1), 61-77, 2021
The benefit and cost of prison in the UK. The results of a model of lifetime re-offending
K Marsh, C Fox
Journal of Experimental Criminology 4, 403-423, 2008
Using social media as a means of improving public confidence
G Copitch, C Fox
Safer Communities 9 (2), 42, 2010
Towards a Theoretical Framework for Social Impact Bonds
K Albertson, C Fox, C O’Leary, G Painter
Nonprofit Policy Forum 11 (2), 2020
Justice reinvestment: Can the criminal justice system deliver more for less?
C Fox, K Albertson, K Wong
Routledge, 2013
Justice reinvestment: can it deliver more for less?
C Fox, K Albertson, F Warburton
The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 50 (2), 119-136, 2011
The effectiveness of probation supervision towards reducing reoffending: A rapid evidence assessment
A Smith, K Heyes, C Fox, J Harrison, Z Kiss, A Bradbury
Probation Journal 65 (4), 407-428, 2018
Is custody an effective sentencing option for the UK? Evidence from a meta-analysis of existing studies
K Marsh, C Fox, R Sarmah
Probation Journal 56 (2), 129-151, 2009
Partnerships: where next?
C Fox, G Butler
Safer Communities 3 (3), 36, 2004
The current evidence base and future needs in improving children’s well-being across Europe: Is there a case for a comparative longitudinal survey?
H Goswami, C Fox, G Pollock
Child Indicators Research 9, 371-388, 2016
An evaluation of the effect of housing provision on re-offending
M Ellison, C Fox, A Gains, G Pollock
Safer communities 12 (1), 27-37, 2013
Do you get what you pay for? Assessing the use of prison from an economic perspective
K Marsh, C Fox, C Hedderman
The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 48 (2), 144-157, 2009
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20