Alison J. Blyth
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Lignin biogeochemistry: from modern processes to Quaternary archives
CN Jex, GH Pate, AJ Blyth, RGM Spencer, PJ Hernes, SJ Khan, A Baker
Quaternary Science Reviews 87, 46-59, 2014
Molecular organic matter in speleothems and its potential as an environmental proxy
AJ Blyth, A Baker, MJ Collins, KEH Penkman, MA Gilmour, JS Moss, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (9-10), 905-921, 2008
A new approach to detecting vegetation and land-use change using high-resolution lipid biomarker records in stalagmites
AJ Blyth, A Asrat, A Baker, P Gulliver, MJ Leng, D Genty
Quaternary Research 68 (3), 314-324, 2007
Organic proxies in speleothems–New developments, advantages and limitations
AJ Blyth, A Hartland, A Baker
Quaternary Science Reviews 149, 1-17, 2016
Molecular evidence for bacterial mediation of calcite formation in cold high-altitude caves
AJ Blyth, S Frisia
Geomicrobiology Journal 25 (2), 101-111, 2008
Inland shell midden site-formation: Investigation into a late Pleistocene to early Holocene midden from Tràng An, Northern Vietnam
R Rabett, J Appleby, A Blyth, L Farr, A Gallou, T Griffiths, J Hawkes, ...
Quaternary International 239 (1), 153-169, 2011
Calibrating the glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether temperature signal in speleothems
AJ Blyth, S Schouten
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 109, 312-328, 2013
An optimised method for the extraction and analysis of lipid biomarkers from stalagmites
AJ Blyth, P Farrimond, M Jones
Organic geochemistry 37 (8), 882-890, 2006
New light in the dark-a proposed multidisciplinary framework for studying functional ecology of groundwater fauna
M Saccò, A Blyth, PW Bateman, Q Hua, D Mazumder, N White, ...
Science of the Total Environment 662, 963-977, 2019
Contrasting distributions of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in speleothems and associated soils
AJ Blyth, CN Jex, A Baker, SJ Khan, S Schouten
Organic Geochemistry 69, 1-10, 2014
Tropical limestone forest resilience and late Pleistocene foraging during MIS-2 in the Tràng An massif, Vietnam
R Rabett, N Ludgate, C Stimpson, E Hill, C Hunt, J Ceron, L Farr, ...
Quaternary International 448, 62-81, 2017
A 2000‐year lipid biomarker record preserved in a stalagmite from north‐west Scotland
AJ Blyth, A Baker, LE Thomas, P Van Calsteren
Journal of Quaternary Science 26 (3), 326-334, 2011
Organic compounds preserved in a 2.9 million year old stalagmite from the Nullarbor Plain, Australia
AJ Blyth, JS Watson, J Woodhead, J Hellstrom
Chemical Geology 279 (3-4), 101-105, 2010
A new perspective on the δ 13 C signal preserved in speleothems using LC–IRMS analysis of bulk organic matter and compound specific stable isotope analysis
AJ Blyth, CI Smith, RN Drysdale
Quaternary Science Reviews 75, 143-149, 2013
Elucidating stygofaunal trophic web interactions via isotopic ecology
M Saccò, AJ Blyth, WF Humphreys, A Kuhl, D Mazumder, C Smith, K Grice
PloS one 14 (10), e0223982, 2019
Identifying “free” and “bound” lipid fractions in stalagmite samples: an example from Heshang Cave, Southern China
X Huang, J Cui, Y Pu, J Huang, AJ Blyth
Applied Geochemistry 23 (9), 2589-2595, 2008
Thermochemolysis of organic matter preserved in stalagmites: a preliminary study
AJ Blyth, JS Watson
Organic Geochemistry 40 (9), 1029-1031, 2009
Rainfall as a trigger of ecological cascade effects in an Australian groundwater ecosystem
M Saccò, AJ Blyth, WF Humphreys, SJB Cooper, NE White, M Campbell, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 3694, 2021
Stygofaunal community trends along varied rainfall conditions: deciphering ecological niche dynamics of a shallow calcrete in Western Australia
M Saccò, AJ Blyth, WF Humphreys, S Karasiewicz, KT Meredith, A Laini, ...
Ecohydrology 13 (1), e2150, 2020
δ 13 C analysis of bulk organic matter in speleothems using liquid chromatography–isotope ratio mass spectrometry
AJ Blyth, Y Shutova, C Smith
Organic Geochemistry 55, 22-25, 2013
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Articles 1–20