Anna Deluca
Anna Deluca
eDreams ODIGEO
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Changing the urban design of cities for health: The superblock model
N Mueller, D Rojas-Rueda, H Khreis, M Cirach, D Andrés, J Ballester, ...
Environment international 134, 105132, 2020
Fitting and goodness-of-fit test of non-truncated and truncated power-law distributions
A Deluca, Á Corral
Acta Geophysica 61, 1351-1394, 2013
Scientific challenges of convective-scale numerical weather prediction
JI Yano, MZ Ziemiański, M Cullen, P Termonia, J Onvlee, L Bengtsson, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99 (4), 699-710, 2018
Universality of rain event size distributions
O Peters, A Deluca, Á Corral, JD Neelin, CE Holloway
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010 (11), P11030, 2010
The perils of thresholding
F Font-Clos, G Pruessner, NR Moloney, A Deluca
New Journal of Physics 17 (4), 043066, 2015
Data-driven prediction of thresholded time series of rainfall and self-organized criticality models
A Deluca, NR Moloney, Á Corral
Physical review E 91 (5), 052808, 2015
Scale invariant events and dry spells for medium-resolution local rain data
A Deluca, A Corral
Nonlin. Processes Geophys. 21, 555-567, 2014
Assessing heat exposure to extreme temperatures in urban areas using the Local Climate Zone classification
J Gilabert, A Deluca, D Lauwaet, J Ballester, J Corbera, MC Llasat
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 21 (1), 375-391, 2021
Basic concepts for convection parameterization in weather forecast and climate models: COST action ES0905 final report
JI Yano, JF Geleyn, M Köhler, D Mironov, J Quaas, PMM Soares, ...
Atmosphere 6 (1), 88-147, 2014
Spatial variability of heat-related mortality in Barcelona from 1992–2015: a case crossover study design
V Ingole, M Marí-Dell’Olmo, A Deluca, M Quijal, C Borrell, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (7), 2553, 2020
A practical recipe to fit discrete power-law distributions
A Corral, A Deluca, R Ferrer-i-Cancho
arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.1270, 2012
Testing universality in critical exponents: The case of rainfall
A Deluca, P Puig, A Corral
Physical Review E 93 (4), 042301, 2016
The convective parameterization problem: breadth and depth
JI Yano, PMM Soares, M Köhler, A Deluca
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96 (8), ES127-ES130, 2015
Heat-related mortality impacts attributed to climate change: a global study over historical period.
A Vicedo-cabrera, F Sera, A Tobias, C Astrom, Y Guo, Y Honda, A Deluca, ...
Environmental Epidemiology 3, 414, 2019
Testing universality and goodness-of-fit test of power-law distributions
A Deluca, P Puig, Á Corral
Extended Abstracts Spring 2013: Complex Systems; Control of Infectious …, 2014
Data-driven prediction of thresholded time series of rainfall and soc models
A Deluca, NR Moloney, A Corral
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.2256, 2014
Addendum: Universality of rain event size distributions
O Peters, A Deluca, A Corral, JD Neelin, CE Holloway
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2013 (06), P06019, 2013
District level spatial variability of heat-related mortality in Barcelona from 1992-2015: a case crossover study design
V Ingole, M Marí-Dell’Olmo, A Deluca, M Quijal, D Lauwaet, J Gilabert, ...
Environmental Epidemiology 3, 175, 2019
Criticality on Rainfall: Statistical Observational Constraints for the Onset of Strong Convection Modelling
A Deluca, Á Corral, NR Moloney
Extended Abstracts Spring 2013: Complex Systems; Control of Infectious …, 2014
Data Driven Predictions of High-Resolution Thresholded Rainfall Time Series
A Deluca, A Corral, NR Moloney
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5173, 2014
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Articles 1–20