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Cited by
Distributed event-triggered control of multi-agent systems with combinational measurements
Y Fan, G Feng, Y Wang, C Song
Automatica 49 (2), 671-675, 2013
Self-triggered consensus for multi-agent systems with zeno-free triggers
Y Fan, L Liu, G Feng, Y Wang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (10), 2779-2784, 2015
A novel algorithm on adaptive backstepping control of fractional order systems
Y Wei, Y Chen, S Liang, Y Wang
Neurocomputing 165, 395-402, 2015
Adaptive backstepping output feedback control for a class of nonlinear fractional order systems
Y Wei, WT Peter, Z Yao, Y Wang
Nonlinear Dynamics 86 (2), 1047-1056, 2016
T–S-fuzzy-model-based approximation and controller design for general nonlinear systems
Q Gao, XJ Zeng, G Feng, Y Wang, J Qiu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 42 …, 2012
Robust H∞ control of T–S fuzzy time-delay systems via a new sliding-mode control scheme
Q Gao, G Feng, Z Xi, Y Wang, J Qiu
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systems 22 (2), 459-465, 2014
Robust stability analysis for a class of fractional order systems with uncertain parameters
Z Liao, C Peng, W Li, Y Wang
Journal of the Franklin Institute 348 (6), 1101-1113, 2011
Study on fractional order gradient methods
Y Chen, Q Gao, Y Wei, Y Wang
Applied Mathematics and Computation 314, 310-321, 2017
Adaptive backstepping control for fractional order systems with input saturation
D Sheng, Y Wei, S Cheng, J Shuai
Journal of the Franklin Institute 354 (5), 2245-2268, 2017
The output feedback control synthesis for a class of singular fractional order systems
Y Wei, WT Peter, Z Yao, Y Wang
ISA Transactions 69, 1-9, 2017
Universal fuzzy integral sliding-mode controllers based on T–S fuzzy models
Q Gao, L Liu, G Feng, Y Wang, J Qiu
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 22 (2), 350-362, 2013
Universal fuzzy models and universal fuzzy controllers for stochastic non-affine nonlinear Systems
Q Gao
Universal Fuzzy Controllers for Non-affine Nonlinear Systems, 45-70, 2017
A new design of robust H∞ sliding mode control for uncertain dtochastic T-S fuzzy time-delay systems
Q Gao, G Feng, Z Xi, Y Wang, J Qiu
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 44 (9), 1556-1566, 2014
A note on short memory principle of fractional calculus
Y Wei, Y Chen, S Cheng, Y Wang
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 20 (6), 1382-1404, 2017
Persistent awareness coverage control for mobile sensor networks
C Song, L Liu, G Feng, Y Wang, Q Gao
Automatica 49 (6), 1867-1873, 2013
Online active learning of decision trees with evidential data
L Ma, S Destercke, Y Wang
Pattern Recognition 52, 33-45, 2016
Identification for Hammerstein nonlinear ARMAX systems based on multi-innovation fractional order stochastic gradient
S Cheng, Y Wei, D Sheng, Y Chen, Y Wang
Signal Processing 142, 1-10, 2017
An innovative fractional order LMS based on variable initial value and gradient order
S Cheng, Y Wei, Y Chen, Y Li, Y Wang
Signal Processing 133, 260-269, 2017
Decentralized adaptive awareness coverage control for multi-agent networks
C Song, G Feng, Y Fan, Y Wang
Automatica 47 (12), 2749-2756, 2011
Sufficient and necessary conditions for stabilizing singular fractional order systems with partially measurable state
Y Wei, J Wang, T Liu, Y Wang
Journal of the Franklin Institute 356 (4), 1975-1990, 2019
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Articles 1–20